[OFFICIAL] Microsoft Flight Simulator Cannonball Run 2021 [Charity]

Yeah, that’s fine, as is taking advantage of apps like LittleNavMap or similar. Anything that mods MSFS itself is banned, but external tools are permitted.


Registration for the Cannonball Run 2021 is now closed. Please check the spreadsheet (linked below, sorted alphabetically by Gamertag) to confirm I received your registration and I have your plane selection correct. If there are any errors, please post in this thread and I’ll correct them.


The Race Day and Results thread is now open. Please read through this topic carefully for important information about the race and how to submit your completion time.

Registration is correct, downgrade on the Xbox (exit insider and reinstall) worked, the flight planner is a nightmare, after hours of eternal reshuffeling it was finally done…
Race can now start :slight_smile:

Look likes a great event :slight_smile: Too bad I will not be able to join, since I have to start work 12 hours later. Will join just with the TBM930 which should make it in time for me :slight_smile:

Welcome to the United States! Tailwinds to KJFK!

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It’s 35kts at 3 o’clock, hanging 20° against the wind😛

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@SeedyL3205 may I kindly advise you that you have mixed up my nickname and flights in two line numbers (lines 94 and 95)

Less than 24 hours, I’m hyped! Will there be a Discord voice channel?

i have one ya’ll can use.

let me know if you need it

There’s an Endurance Race Chat voice chan on SeedyL’s discord

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  1. Why don’t I see any live stream here: Twitch? Am I looking at the wrong address? Will that channel go live later?
  2. Why am I on rwy 31L and don’t see any other planes? Multiplayer is on and I am on the East USA server?

Happy „Race“ :slight_smile:


Ah darn, was not able to make this and meant to let you know before it started, my apologies Seedy. You can remove me from the registrants list if needed; I’ll take part in the full race series next year.


Live weather not loading anymore!

Nice… live weather stopped working…. I’m out! Kills the whole planning.

Cannonball orcaboss864

i just hop in to mention that my simair stopped logging my flight midflight, just refueld in phoenix KPHX and continue flying to LAX… hope simair starts logging again… did not have a CTD this time…


Fnally landed in LAX… not to win but for my own pleasure… i’ve made it:

Landing Time: 21:53 LOCAL TIME (see Screenshot)

after this i taxied to the famous LAX tower and shut down everything there

as mentioned my simair client stopped working midair between KLVS an KPHX.

I’ve got 2 CTD and always restartet both the FS and Simair client. Surprisingly the client logged my starting time in KPHX but failed to log anything and i cannot open the last flight. There is always a spinnning loading wheel. Maybe @BlueYonder9259 checks the server logs what happend. I continued flying without any possibility to change anything.

Was again a great event but now i am tired and i need abucket of sleep…
see ya all in acouple of hours after a nap…

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