Offline AI Traffic Seems More "Alive" or Functional Anyway (Patch 11.6 USA Update)

Offline AI Traffic seemed much more lively, or it could be simply coincidental. Notably I have AI traffic, both GA and tubeliners, turned way down for FPS impact.

Post-update, I jumped right into the USA Tour, and had to go around at DCA for a jet that simply would not exit the runway.

Taking some comparison screenshots on another circuit of capital later in the evening, I passed a generic (looked like a PC-12) who was instructed to hold short for the Pipistrel on short final (me).

I was taking measurements on my evening flight (Essex to Martha’s Vineyard), I had four GAs around me, one who was completely oblivious to “Traffic in Sight” calls, but it was great seeing more nav lights around me. The sim world is a little more populated now.

Are you sure you didn’t have 'All players# visible in the flight conditions?

Offline AI was stone dead for me (UK)

Cool. :slight_smile: I’ve been using the online live traffic option for quite a while now, which works most of the time, but now that performance seems to be improved, I’ll have to give the offline AI traffic another try. (Previously, it was really hurting my fps.)

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