OpenXR Toolkit (upscaling, world scale, hand tracking...) - Release thread

Via the toolkit.

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Okay, I must have had tinkered with something else then as, it is much better now with some tinkering. Sorry for the bother sir and I will also make sure to not re-download the old utility! :sweat_smile:

This is exactly what I did earlier today! Thank you. This, along with reverting some settings seems to have made it even better then before. Thank you.

Correct but because he asked asked about Photoshop, one can infer that it’s his preferred tool, hence my comment.

You can sign up and download the tool without being a dev, just a heads-up!

When I say ASW ON it means Auto, the default setting.

You could also force it to 45 (which is in fact not 45, it’s mislabeled because the first headset that used those settings was the Rift and it only had 90Hz refresh rate (90/2=45). In fact it means ‘forced to half’).
Auto or forced 45 doesn’t matter as you’ll never get 72fps in this game anyway, meaning ASW will always be ON.

I don’t touch anything in the Nvidia settings, too prone to create issues.
I don’t use OTT anymore, only the official Oculus Debug Tool. I was using it for profiles but they’re buggy and don’t always activate so I got rid of it.

EDIT: Correction, it’s better if forced to 45. I was just flying high and got 52fps, and since it wasn’t 72 or 36, everything was jerky. I forced to 45 to always have ASW ON and no more issues.

I did, thank you, I managed to post my screenshots here. :+1:

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This tool finally made my sim run smooth. Thank you mbuccia and CptLucky!!
Reverb G2
FSR at 75% gives me 30-35 fps in A320NX.

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DDS files can be a little finicky. Think of it that they are pretty much a snapshot of GPU memory content (no joke). I’ve not had luck with every tool I’ve tried. If you want a sure way, use GIMP. You can then export it to a loss-less format and re-import it in the tool of your choice. Not best, but it’s been the sure way for me.

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I have to disagree with that generalization. ASW is great when it works, but for some like me, it’s better without it:

I’m a Quest 2 user as well, with a GeForce RTX 2070 Super. I use 1.2 SS with OpenXR factor 100% (alternatively, 1.7 SS with 70%, which is about the same quality and performance), no ASW, 90 Hz refresh rate - flying fluidly with high settings at about 20-30 FPS most of the time (H145, Kodiak, etc.).

ASW doesn’t work for me, so I turned it off. It’s much smoother without it when you can’t consistently reach FPS at or above half or a third of your refresh rate.

Yes that’s what I’m saying above. ASW is perfect IF your framerate doesn’t go below half of what your headset refresh rate is set to.
If it goes below, it will stutter and I agree, it’ll be worse than without ASW.

My two cents is that it doesn’t work for you because you set everything up way too high.
90Hz(=90 fps for a smooth experience, 45fps with ASW), high settings AND full supersampling? :astonished: with a 2070?

Once again, no computer can achieve that with MSFS.
With a 3090, I can barely go above 36fps without SS (without any FSR, NIS and whatnot) so with a 2070…
It’s just a matter of finding the right settings, and yours are very wrong to me compared to your computer power. 20-30fps on a 90Hz headset cannot be smooth, it’s mathematical, without ASW, you should have 90fps, we’re far from that goal.
Don’t you see horrible ghosting when panning your head in the cockpit or looking at the buildings passing by the window? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: And what about big airport taxiing?


I am thrilled with the tool, and I am not complaining, but has anyone else had this issue.
The Tool states that for changes to be made, one must exit the VR mode and come back in.
I have noticed, that as I try different settings and switch back and forth between VR and onscreen mode, sometimes I am unable to switch back into VR mode, or it freezes up and I have to restart the sim.
Anyone else ?

I think this a MSFS bug when switching VR back and forth, I’m pretty sure I’ve seen topics about this.

Can you share some more details?

Please follow the troubleshooting guide to collect the log file when this happens, and file a bug report: Troubleshooting | OpenXR Toolkit (


If you are using DX12_1 it’s almost guaranteed to crash on VR exit - with or without the tool active. It still happens from time to time with DX11.

for Mbucchia
Will collect log file.
FYI I am only using DX11
When it has happened.
Flying in VR. press CTRL-F2. Change a bunch of settings-get warning on bottom about logging out and back into VR Mode.
Exit menu
Press CRTL-TAB to exit VR
Switches to monitor mode
Press CTRL-TAB to go back into VR and
sometimes either stays in Display mode, sometimes takes several presses of CTRL-TAB and finally goes into VR and a couple of times when it went into VR mode it was frozen and accepted no keyboard input to either ESC to menu or position cockpit view in VR.
Hope that helps.
and I’ll say it again…you are awesome and I want to send you $$

I’ve not yet seen a new WMR update: nothing in the ‘Store’. Do these look out-of-date? Otherwise, from where did you download the WMR update?

There is no OpenXR for WMR update yet. Last ones were November.

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Some one reporting success here (with OpenXR Toolkit, this was for sure broken with NIS Scaler before):

Maybe you can follow up with me in DM and share logs?

Also, unrelated note, I’ve just tested War Thunder with version 0.9.5, and it worked too. So it looks like we are on the right path to get more games to work (thought lots of ppl might note care lol).


As far as I know SkyrimVR does not use OpenXR. He was confused with using a mod OpenComposite (not OpenXR). As far as I know, the morrowind one is different as its a hacked in VR support (Skyrim VR is official VR support using openVR I believe).