IMHO I have always understood this “TAA 100%” expression (and used it myself) as a shorthand for “Antialiasing: TAA; Render Scaling: 100%”. With introduction of fabulous OpenXR Toolkit this also helps to clearly say what scaling you ar talking about: i.e. if you say “TAA 85%” vs “OXR 85%” - everyone understands what you’re talking about. This is even more relefant now, as render scaling and anti-aliasing options are tied together: if you select DLSS as anti-aliasing mode, render scaling option disappears, and if you select TAA - it appears and you can set the percentage. Hence, it’s quite logical to say “I use DLSS” or “TAA 100%” or “OXR 85%” etc. - it tells exactly what anti-aliasing method and what scaling percentage you are talking about.
It’s up to you to figure that out for your PC setup and settings. FFR is not redundant with DLSS, they do 2 different things. Upscaling can be redundant with DLSS but it highly depends how you set it up.
List of app is all keys under HKCU\Software\OpenXR_Toolkit
Doesnt matter, the setting in OpenXR Toolkit completely overrides the Tools for WMR setting for the game.
I have an AMD 6900XT running SU10 DX12 (Beta) and new version of OpenXR Toolkit.
No issues found during 1st Day of testing in FS2020.
WMR Tracking Judder I saw in SU10 Beta DX12 Beta has been resolved.
My Current AMD Driver is 22.8.2
Great job huge praise to whole OpenXR Team, thankyou.
But that isn’t how its been generally used; frequent posts talk about TAA 100 when they actually mean “TLOD 100”. That’s been my experience following the threads here.
Many thanks for the reply and your amazing work!
Do FSR sharpening in the toolkit and the FidelityFX Sharpening in MSFS interact in any way because they seem to be setting the same parameter in two different ways. Is there a correct way to use the sharpening feature while using the toolkit?
I am using DLSS and DX11 if that matters, haven’t tried DX12 was waiting for the next game ready driver before doing that.
What’s the consensus on HAGS (on/off)? for SU10 and 1.2.0 toolkit.?
I received an error that HAGS was on with 1.2.0.
I had HAGS off for SU9, but turned HAGS on for SU10 beta and it worked fine.
my experience so far with SU10
Had very good performance & smooth flights with baseline SU10 yesterday.(empty community folder, new Nvidia Driver 517.40, OXR 115%, motion disabled, DLSS Performance, DX11, Win 10)
installed 1.20 toolkit moment it dropped, and was greeted with the HAGS error. The flight was not as smooth as baseline, though I havent done much testing since then. Not sure if HAGS is not playing well with Toolkit.
I put the warning in OpenXR Toolkit as a precautionary measure. I don’t think there is something wrong with HAGS and OpenXR Toolkit itself, but it seems to vary from one user to another. So I left the warning to tell you: “hey you should try without it too”. If it works well for you with HAGS on, then just ignore the warning.
I’m not sure what version of the toolkit it was introduced in, but wanted to say I love the Disable Mask (HAM) feature. On my g2 I do see a nice little improvement in field of view. I thought it might impact performance but didn’t seem to. I can only guess that msfs was always rendering the full 100% of the image, and the black mask was just put on top, as opposed to the mask actually reducing the number of pixels msfs had to render?
On the motion re-projection settings, I know at one point it was stated that changing from Default to Off to On in game might not impact the game even with a simple Ctrl-Tab, that the entire application would need to be restarted. I wonder should the toolkit somehow indicate this as I could see even forcing it to Off in the toolkit and ctrl-tabbing twice, the motion reprojection was still in use.
In terms of other tips for motion re-projection, I am wondering are there any consensus on settings that make it work better like say pre-rendered frames / ultra low latency on or off etc. I still see a strange judder when say looking top down on the aircraft even when I reach 45fps with MR on. Not toolkit related, just thinking if the toolkit could ever give further tips, eg switch nvidia low latency mode off for best results, if there was such concrete guidance.
Last question, is there any recommendation as to whether to use the frame limiter in the toolkit vs say nvidias control panel one, if say not using MR and want to limit to a multiple of the headset, eg 45fps limit for 90hz G2?
I think this was completely broken in 1.1.4 (would not even maintain the setting accross Ctrl-Tab). I believe it should be fixed in 1.2.0, however if you often switch it on/off I have observed that sometimes it takes a couple of Ctrl-Tab instead of a single one… Would love to hear your exact observations with 1.2.0.
No idea honestly, but VR pre-rendered frame not set to 1 sounds like a bad idea for example (whether using MR or not).
Probably better to use the OpenXR Toolkit one since it will actually throttle based on VR frame start, while the driver one will throttle based on when the app is presenting to the 2D window. Not exactly sure in what order MSFS does it (eg: does it submit the VR frame first then present to 2D window?). The one in OpenXR Tookit is a safer bet I would say.
Excellent work Matt! Looking forward to getting this installed when I get home from work.
I really appreciate everything you do for the community and all the hard work you put in to this toolkit. Keep it up!
Thanks for the update
Running amazingly well here with DLSS on Performance and FSR 100% (sharpening 100% as well). Up to 10 fps more than SU9, and the displays aren’t blurred because of the sharpening option. Running on DX12, with a 3090 and Reverb G2
Hi, is it better dx11 or dx 12?
This is the OpenXR Toolkit thread. Your question is off topic and better to go into another thread.
You shouldn’t pick whether to use DX11 or DX12 based on OpenXR Toolkit. It shouldn’t make any appreciable difference.
Possible bug with FFR in DX12 and Radeon 6800XT. I was doing some further testing with FFR today and for some reason I could not get it to work. I still had the same FPS, regardless if it was selected or not. I tried selecting different settings for FFR and also going in and out of VR, but nothing seemed to work. Maybe it’s something I’m doing wrong; just not sure what’s going on.
Has anyone else with a Radeon card who is using FFR in DX12 had any problems?
Did you maybe change the value of Scale Filter? It should be set to 51, and not a good idea to change it.
Other ideas:
FFR only helps if you are GPU bound (more precisely Pixel Shader bound). Maybe you changed other settings and you no longer fall in this situation. Check your app CPU/GPU in the Advanced overlay.
If you enable Expert settings, then Developer overlay, what values of “VRS RTV” and “VRSw” do you see?