OpenXR Toolkit (upscaling, world scale, hand tracking...) - Release thread

FFR has allowed me to push NIS scaling by +5% whilst maintaining 31fps (MR on) in the vast majority of situations.

I have near perfect clarity and smoothness in the Reverb G2, thank you so much to everyone who contributed to this amazing tool.


just tried, very interesting.

  1. everything working, switch out of VR
  2. switch into VR, MR not working, low fps, post GPU is toggling wild from 0.2 to 11ms
  3. set inGame Renderscale to 30%, post GPU stays at 17-19 ms for about 5s, then gets to 4.5ms and stays at about 4.5 to 5ms
  4. CTRL-Alt-DEL, ESC, then post GPU lowers again to about 3ms and stays
  5. switch back to 100% inGame Renderscale, post GPU stays low at about 3ms, everything fixed

By the way, the new FFR feature is gold, i got from about 30fps to 40! Thank you so much!!!

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Yes that statement is for FFR. I know we’re now reaching some of the issues of certain features imposing requirements on others :frowning:
Definitely trying to be flexible, but some tradeoffs will have to be made eventually.

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@mbucchia, take these screenshots, I just took them.
In the last post, one of the screenshots was taken from the site SideQuest: Oculus Quest Games & Apps including AppLab Games ( Oculus App Lab )


One thing that helped me get the full benefits of this toolkit is I reset all graphics setting in VR to default then set them back as I wanted. Once I did that I saw a significant increase in performance. (Can’t say specifically what Frame rates as I refuse to chase them, I just got off clarity and fluidity)


Beautiful!! I can’t get to it right now but I put a note with a link here:
Improvements to the documentation · Issue #234 · mbucchia/OpenXR-Toolkit (

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Hello I started to see Screen door effect - thin vertical lines… it begins after last update of WMR or su 8… Reverb G2, before that my screen was like crystal one… how to fix that ? is there any to have same issue?

That’s interesting and I forgot doing it! Laziness to setup everything again… :smiley:

There is no need to check “Public Test Channel” :slight_smile:

Yeah! I noticed the same. I did not have this with the SU8 beta. This evening I installed the final SU8 update and the new OpenVR Toolkit and immediately noticed the screendoor effect. Have to experiment some more to see what is causing this. But at least good to read it’s not just me who noticed this :slight_smile:

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Not sure if it will help, but I could still see gamertags of other people flying. I’m using the Mugz nameplate mod.

I think it is related to last update of WMR and Openxr … Dcs and others aplications also have the same issue - noticeable screendoor - thin vertical lines

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When I am looking at the menu’s it seems it is turned into the screen.
Tried taking a screensnap but it looks normal
any thoughts?

Sadly it’s not working, it loads the default files.
Thanks anyway!

EDIT: My bad, it looks like my game is broken and nothing from the Community folder is being loaded.

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switch of ‘light rays’

Great update! Not using FFR, as I don’t like the pixelated effect at edges, and I’m already getting high fps. I love the display settings of Brightness and Contrast etc… I set my brightness down to around 48 with contrast at 50.3. It’s a good balance for bright days as I can see cockpit and outside whites aren’t too brightly washed out, and night is just right, not too dark.
But Im now getting issues sometimes when I go down the gui list (CTR F2), the headset display gets darker with each toggle down. The last version made my throttle and mixture levers go down. Has anyone experienced this issue in OXRToolkit?

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I bear some excellent news about FFR:

  • So it turns out I misread the documentation of the VRS feature (the GPU feature that is pillar to implementing FFR), and I just found a setting that has no cost and provides a massive quality improvements when using the 1/2x and 1/8x resolutions! It greatly reduces (eliminates?) the annoying black lines that can be seen with Light shafts on. This update will be coming up in a refresh release soon.

And yes this means you will likely need to redo your settings :sweat_smile: but hopefully for the better!

Some more updates (not as awesome as the update above unfortunately…)

  • AMD front: unfortunately after continuing to push extremely hard (understand: work a major part of the weekend on it), it have now concluded that it is not possible to bring FFR to DX11 for AMD cards in an efficient way. I’m disappointed because I thought I had found a way, but it’s just not usable.

  • Oculus front: I was hoping to leverage some of my work above regarding AMD in order to bring a similar technique to solve the current issue with Oculus runtime and DX11, however given the update above, that is also a bust. So back to square one here, and will begin to explore some other routes to make this work.


Thanks for your incredible work!

Does decreasing sharpness % down below 20 , make the outside world blurrier and cockpit (near field) sharper, or is it the other way around ?

Also, with Resolution, it seems that as you go above 50% values, the actual pixels seem to peak around 3k, then start decreasing. So I’m trying g to figure out if 50% value is max resolution ? or not


Trying to understand - is the hand tracking feature available on original quest or only on quest 2? I have an original quest and I can put it in developer mode just fine, but I never get the option to activate that pass through option. That choice doesn’t even exist in the software.

Forgive my frustrations with FS2020 mentioned earlier today - they do not relate to the mod you have created. MS/Asobo could support Wide FOV by simply fixing the culling radius in PP-off modes -probably a small tweak. For the devs to have planned it for 2023 just puts me out - and Pimax states that they reached out to the devs only to be told they have no interest. Yes the Pimax is a special case, but it’s generally an incredible difference of 20-30% FPS - sometimes more!

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