OpenXR Toolkit (upscaling, world scale, hand tracking...) - Release thread

I really appreciate the work that mbucchia and his team have put into this tool which has made VR by far my preferred mode in the Sim whereas before it was a disappointment to say the least.
A couple of comments: I have a Vive Pro headset and RTX 3060 card.
I uninstalled the 0.9.7 version of the tool and then installed the latest beta #3 (1.0.1) I have no idea why but that was a total disaster making VR unusable. Although scenery appeared to be all good the display jumped around and blacked out at times. Those symptoms persisted when I uninstalled beta #3 and reinstalled beta #2 unless the tool was disabled.
I then rolled by system back one day to when I knew the tool was all good on beta #2 and tested that everything was working as advertised.
After that I reinstalled beta #3 this time over the top of #2 rather than doing a clean install and this time much to my relief it all worked properly.
I am delighted with the resulting improvement to the tool in particular and it is now a joy to fly in VR. I always test the results of changes by flying from EGLC around London City and back up the Thames river this gives me an instant feedback of improvement or not as the case may be.
I am also pleased that I always ensure that I have a recent backup of my system which enables me to easily extricate myself from any mistake on my part it proved its worth on this occasion.


That is exciting! Only at the 1/2 and 1/8th resolutions?

Yes only 1/2x and 1/8x.

VRS has three ways of reducing the resolution, vertically or horizontally, or both.

When you have something like 1/4x it’s easy, you take a square 2x2 (4 pixels) and render them as a single pixel. 1/16x is a square of 4x4.

But for 1/2x and 1/8x respectively, you have two options (you can’t have a square) a rectangle laid out horizontally (2x1 or 4x2 respectively) or vertically (1x2 or 2x4 respectively). Now I chose the vertical rectangle originally, because I thought that it would be better to preserve higher resolution horizontally.

But earlier I tried the horizontally laid rectangle and wow, what a difference. I’m working with my beta testers to confirm the improvement (so far so good), and if we all seem to agree, this will become the new default.

PS: I also noticed that vrperfkit does the same thing (preserve horizontal resolution) and I filed an issue for fholger to experiment as well:


As far as I know, updates for Oculus do not occur simultaneously for all users. Therefore, the beta channel takes away the chance of getting the 37th version of the oculus app.

Only Quest 2 is mentioned on the oculus website. Do you have hand tracking working inside the headset?

I tried the update last night and it worked really well. I found the lower res areas too distracting with aliasing so I have the 1x to the full field of view, 1/2x for the very edge of the visible area then 1/16x for the rest. It still gave a few fps increase though I would have thought the hidden area mask would have done a similar job. The centre was in the right spot for my headset which was a bonus, and being able to tune it in real time made setup very easy.

Pimax 4k
100% pitool, 200% steamvr, 100% MSFS, 80% FSR.


Please if people are interested in helping with FFR for Oculus support, head to our Discord, channel #oculus-issues so we can investigate. Please only join if you are comfortable hacking around (comfortable with registry, copy files, deal with advanced Windows usage topics). Thanks!


That doesn’t work for me. I am in VR in MSFS and the OpenXR Toolkit Companion App says it’s active but as soon as I press Ctrrl-F2 , the Ctrl activation takes the sim out of VR.

Any idea what’s wrong?


I came to a very similar conclusion both regarding the 1/2 and 1/16th - as well as the FPS I would expect. Only the devs could do it more efficiently. VRSs FPS improvements have not seemed to be directly related to the number of pixels driven. I mean, 1/16th is basically negligible, and doing that to the top 20% as well as 1/2 res on much of the area would result in 20% improvement just back-of the envelop calculation, but I’ll take 5-10% as long as it doesn’t make obvious distractions.

Can you DM me the log file for when this happens?

You can find it under %LocalAppData%\OpenXR-Toolkit\logs.


If anyone has a Pimax headset with Wide FOV - you may have noticed that without Parallel Projections (PP-off) the terrain culling occurs around the edges; I thought I’d share that mbucchia noted the culling “projection” is based on the modifiable FOV within his app. (Also that the culling is based on the left eye’s projections). Probably just a curiosity as the transform to “correct” the FOV distortion would probably be difficult, but I thought it was interesting since Asosbo hasn’t planned Wide-FOV support until 2023 (hopefully January 1st, 2023 since it was the first and only Wishlist item planned for 2023 :wink: ) If anyone is interested.

I tried hand tracking with quest 2 using steam vr runtime.
I could see my skeleton hands and move them fine
Just didn’t know how to control and was pressing menu buttons everywhere lol.
But it definitely came on and worked.

Confirmed, handtracking working properly and interacting with cockpit once I switched back to Oculus runtime :+1: So it was my mistake thinking I needed to use SteamVR. Using your overlay I can see it is correctly registering pinch and squeeze gestures, but nan for the others - I presume this is to be expected?

Has anyone found a good binding config for handtracking on quest 2? In my initial test I was able to work the throttle and any on/off buttons, but not able to rotate dials etc.

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Yes, it works fine (until I enter “rift”). I never use the controllers because the only time I use VR is for MSFS.

Well, it’s Christmas every day with you Matthieu!


I’ve been using this the last couple of days. Great stuff, makes my WMR headset look great!

But one thing I’ve noticed somewhat consistently, the rescaling seems to “wear off”. Not sure when (maybe after half an hour?). Following this, I can open the menu and the scaling/sharpness doesn’t appear to do anything. Restart the game and it’s good again.

Any ideas?

I should add, my settings are FSR 100%, sharpening 60% and a little brightness/contrast/saturation adjustment. MSFS scaling is set to 100%.

It’s weird because it’s noticeable but still somewhat subtle. Just like it ‘turns off’.

Quest 2+RTX2070
Would everyone please first state (first line) their headset and graphics card.
This would help us readers sort since this thread is about many headsets. Sometimes it might also help to be clear about your CPU (9700K@5Ghz) and version of the graphics driver (511.23) and maybe even the version of WMR runtimes(110.2202) or Oculus runtimes (v37) or other HMDs.

Also: What is the name of the OpenXR Toolkit Discord?


I use normal fov, fsr 50%, fly over New York
pp on, pitools 1.0 steamvr 50% ~25fps
pp off, pitools 1.25 steamvr 100% ~30fps
FFR performance wide gains 2-3 fps
Both work perfectly

The sim runs much better with pp off and terrain culling is annoying but acceptable when you have a 150 deg FOV.

Thank you!

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Anyone else with a G2notice the screendoor effect is more noticeable after that last WMR/OpenXR Tools update?

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