OpenXR Toolkit (upscaling, world scale, hand tracking...) - Release thread

It’s not what you think :slight_smile:, this is just for creating interactions based on when the game sends haptics commands. For example, you can point your finger forward and go near a switch, and as the switch becomes blue (interactable), the game sends a haptic command, and OpenXR Toolkit detect that you are pointing your finger forward and will simulate a trigger press, effectively toggling the switch for you (without the need for you to pinch). This gives a more natural way to toggle switches.


No idea. Does Pico provide support for OpenXR? SteamVR? My guess is that it will work, but you might be going through the SteamVR OpenXR support rather than native OpenXR support. This would be similar to what Pimax users do today, and OpenXR Toolkit works well for them.

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But I don’t have Eye Tracking!.. Noooooo! :scream:

OK, still a very useful feature to improve hand tracking which I use. Thanks !

Got home and tried the field of view adjustment, really like it at 90% can definitely see more and going to stick with that. I have also tried your MSFS settings, I like them like that too, I can see the LOD increase so will likely stick with them now. Thanks!

Another thing to consider on the G2 is the audio, I use this on the sound settings and it makes it a bit louder, I don’t have headphones or virtualization on in MSFS.


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Absolutely fantastic news especially for G2 users!
You guys ROCK!


Wow! Will this work with Oculus handtracking?

Wow. Just wow.


Quick snapshot of the new settings you’ll be getting in a few days:

Note that your previous settings for brightness/contrast/saturation will be invalidated. You will go back to the default settings for these.

Note that a few things have moved around!. The Lock motion reprojection and FOV settings will now be in the (new) _System) tab.


Hi mbucchia, is it possible to decrease the exposure in OXR-Toolkit? I thought this could only be done in the game engine as i stated elsewhere: Options for contrast, brightness, gamma, hdr, sharpness level, color saturation, etc - #38 by HyperJet2018

So please correct me if i was wrong.

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HI all, Just got the Occulus 2, so a complete noob to VR (and only a little more experienced with MSFS), and I was wondering do people think I need to spend days watching settings set up videos on Youtube or can I get away with spending a few days learning about this software and others experience with it instead?

I am using OpenXR ToolKit with great success. 60% improvement in frame rate with minimal loss of detail. Bravo to the team.

It got me thinking. If I understand the processing pipeline correctly, it should be possible to insert spherical, cylindrical and additional correction transforms to eliminate the need for prescription glasses in headsets.

I do have prescription inserts for my G2 but it would be nice to just update the prescription values in a config rather than buying new inserts every year or so.
It would also make it easier to show off MSFS/VR to friends who wear glasses. (I do not allow glasses in the G2 since my Oculus CV1 got all scratched before I got inserts.)

Just a suggestion for the wishlist.


Unfortunately, this is physical and medical not possible.

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…but that would be nice! :partying_face:

As already pointed out right above, this is indeed not possible. The lenses of your headset have a focal point that is in the distance (like 1 meter), in other words the panel inside your headset is projected 1m in front of you. Looking though the lenses still means you are looking at a screen 1m ahead, even if the panel is physically very close (few cm). There is no amount of software that can correct this.


My simplistic understanding did not account for the complexity on the optical side. There was a lot of research and and enthusiasm for the “adaptive focus” approach about 5 or 6 years ago, but that seems to have fizzled out. With 4 billion potential customers for vision correcting VR there would be some corporation jumping on it if there was a workable solution. Maybe one of these days.

You can get prescription lenses for VR headsets. Obviously only any good for one specific person.

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Join us for the exclusive premiere of the latest OpenXR Toolkit update on Monday!


The best results for nearly every feature is through game integration. However @CptLucky8 has gone above and beyond to find ways to apply similar effects in post-processing, and it’s giving really good results.

You’ll be able to try it out in a few hours. Our code is open source so you can also check out how it’s done if you have experience in shaders:


There are already VR headsets from some months ago that include for to correct the myopia from 0 to 6 if I remember well and do not to wear glasses. I hope all can include that in the future.

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