OpenXR Toolkit (upscaling, world scale, hand tracking...) - Release thread

I’m still blown away by the frequent and really substantial progress this toolkit is making, great stuff by the developers.

I’m posting to ask if a particular feature request is even possible. Its to ask if the toolkit (or some additional software that could run along side it) could somehow impact the msfs non VR image / mirror while msfs is playing in VR. I’m playing on a 77" screen, that’s quite bright, and I’m maybe 12 feet away from it. I’m using a Reverb G2 v2 and I know that the image on the big screen in front of my seating position, does impact the tracking as I turn left to right.

Has a feature ever been considered where the toolkit could somehow also intercept the non VR output and send it to /dev/null, or somehow display a black overlay over it without losing controller focus, or maybe even the ability to turn off/on the display when VR is in use. I’m finding doing it myself is very clunky and it would be amazing if it was possibly to elegantly do it via something like the toolkit. ie some sort of ‘black out / turn off other displays while in VR mode’ toggle.

I had the rift s with a 1080ti which initially I was amazed by, I then got the quest 2 and upgraded to a 2080ti.

There was a marked increase in clarity but I felt it wasn’t as reliable as the rift s with its dedicated display port connector as the quest 2 runs the data through usb 3 compressed.

I then got the g2 which the colour reproduction is better with the 2080ti and managed to run at 80% resolution in open xr.

Recently I sold that and got the 3080ti Fe I’ve now been able to increase again settings in sim and can go to 90-95% resolution in open xr and all ultra settings again a marked increase in performance.

Even nowadays you’ll still be paying a grand for the 3080ti and £600 for the g2, it’s just a question of if it’s worth it for you and financially it works.

For me I’m happy I’ve got what I have now, each change in GPU or headset has been an improvement and overall from the rift s / 1080ti to now the g2 / 3080ti is quite a marked improvement in clarity and smoothness but we are always chasing rainbows for the best greatest thing.

I’m still running the 9700k @5.1ghz and 32gb here, you’re as strong as your weakest component.

In terms of the latest openxr toolkit update. I like contrast 50.1, saturation 60% and field of view on 92% the glass I set to light rather than adjust brightness now.

Your explanation, while seemingly comprehensive, leaves room for a lot of doubt about how to best change the 2 settings.
Could you give us some concrete examples?

Great to hear that it helped! You can thank @CptLucky8 for implementing this!


With the latest version of the toolkit, enabling motion reprojection from within the toolkit. Should it work, with the main openxr developer tools having motion re-projection set to ‘Disabled’ or does it need to be set to ‘Automatic’ and only then the toolkit can control its behaviour?

The On/Off settings completely overrides the one from the WMR tools, while Default means use the value from WMR tools. However beware, for some reason changing this setting requires a full sim restart, not just Ctrl-Tab.

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Sorry but I’m not really in the business of settings :wink: many people on this forum are more qualified than me!

Hope one of them can jump in and answer that (because they have done way more experiments than me with this).

This is a very specific request :slight_smile: I actually think it’s possible but can’t remember how quick it is to do. I’ll have to take a look.


or…just turn off your monitor once in vr? :smiley: tadaaaaa


Amazing, thanks to everyone involved in developing this Essential tool.

May I post a request?
Bring back the global on off for color grading.
Now it’s a bit more difficult to juzgue the changes.


Thanks to @CptLucky8 for this as well!

If you ever need any help testing these sort of things that help uni-focal people like me just shout out.



I’m sorry, what option is that? Isn’t in Post process on/off in the new version? Or do you mean for the RGB gains?

Not in front of the sim now, but it’s the RGB option.
Previous version had a Global option, which one could
set to default, so it was easy to dine tuning the colors.
Basically, an On/Off for RGB would be the thing.

Tried out the latest release and it is fantastic:

  • the post processing and the sunglasses presets means the overexposed terrain is finally gone
  • the CPU limited indicator allowed me to better balance GPU and CPU load
  • the foveated rendering with my Aero works well. I could lower the upscaling a lot without noticing any change. I gained 5 to 10 fps

Well done to the team, and still can’t believe it is freeware !


After update v1.1.0 I got weird pixel boxes on my Q2. There are two pixel boxes, one for each eye. they are joined together when you look with both eyes. I have done nothing such thing what would have changed my setup. Only that update. My setup is 3070, Ryzen 9 5900X, 64GB 3600 memory, Samsung 980 pro 1TB and Quest 2. Can i Install 1.0.5 version back? This was before SU9 and somehow it’ related to toolkits menu, because i have FPS counter open and the boxes moving with that.

What in-game render scale are you running with? This issue is related to the cloud rendering incorrectly going through Foveated Rendering.

OpenXR runtime 100%, ingame render scale 120 terrain 130 and objects 150. Q2 are 100.

Anyone else feel like the last Toolkit update messed with their custom FFR settings? I had to majorly readjust to make it playable again, it was jiggling all over the place. As if the resolutions/ring sizes had changed

Interesting. I’m not privy on the optics, I guess since the sweet spot on the G2 is pretty small, it wouldn’t make much of a difference there…I dunno.

Can you try with in-game at 100 please?