Thank you @mbucchia I buy you hmmm… REALLY BIG BEER! It works!
Thanks for confirming this is the issue. I’m surprise you did not have the problem with 1.0.5 though. Will look into a bug fix possibly.
I want to join the “we love you” community, but obviously I am not ready for step one: the menu is not showing in MSFS VR.
Having read the troubleshooters, switching keyboards and safe modes… I need additional ideas to bring it up?
Where can I change the CTRL-F2 activation command?
I am using OpenXR with Oculus Runtime 1.71.0, Toolkit is the active API layer, on a i7 with 3080ti and a Oculus Rift S. Needless to say that I am desperate to use the toolkit as I cant get any good VR performance out of my rig since switching to the RTX gpu…
Thanks in advance!
Michael Boeing
If you launch the OpenXR toolkit companion app that gets installed when you install the toolkit, 1.) Make sure you see the green “OpenXR Toolkit is Active”. 2.) Make sure “Disable the OpenXR Toolkit” is not checked.
3.). You can customize the key bindings in the companion app here. I have mine set to use the numberpad (don’t forget to unbind these in the sim if you use them!), but if yours is defaulted to Ctrl+ F1/F2/F3, those should indeed work. As suggested previously for others who were having key binding issues, double check your keyboard is functioning properly with something like
Just wanted to say that the new exposure setting is AMAZING, as are the sunglasses. Thank you devs!
Thank you Devs for another amazing update. If it wasn’t for this toolkit, VR MSFS would have died.
Great update, I did a short test drive with SU9 on the A320NX FBW from KLGA to KJFK and over Manhattan and performance looks great. The sunglasses processing is a major breakthru, love that.
Just a stupid question: how to read the “APP CPU” and “APP GPU” numbers displayed with the fps? The higher the better or the other way around? And how to know based on those figures if I am CPU limited or GPU limited?
Hope somebody can explain that to me in a few words.
Higher, worse. Smaller, better.
Darn, that was 4 words
Really though, those numbers indicate the time spent per frame by the GPU and CPU. The simplest explanation is in the documentation here
It is easy to determine if your are CPU limited because 1.) The CPU value will be higher than the GPU value and 2.) You will see a big red “CPU Limited” text pop up inbetween the FPS value and the APP CPU/GPU values.
In a GPU limited state, you can just about take the first 2 digits of the value, divide it into 1000 and get your FPS value. The values are always changing so they will never equate out to exactly the displayed FPS (which is simply a point in time display), but it can tell you what your limiting component is (and what you’re non limiting component would be capable of if your other one could keep up.).
Take this example here (sorry, an old screenshot I had, its a bit tough to see the text).
In this case, my GPU timing is ‘25405’. So 1000/25.4 = about 39. Not exactly what it is displaying for FPS in the screenshot (37) but it is using the same math to display the FPS. Since the app GPU value is constantly changing, they will nearly always differ slightly.
Interestingly though, in this case my CPU has a little headroom (if my GPU had anything left to give). At “21554”, my CPU could deliver something more like 46FPS (1000/21.5)
Sorry, that ended up being a whole lot more than a few words But that’s my undertstanding of those values.
The key piece of all of that though is that the new versions (since 1.0.5) will actually tell you if you are CPU limited. You don’t need to do any math
When you see the improvements/fixes VR got in the last SU 9 (spoiler: 1) and that we don’t have any VR snapshot anymore, I cannot agree more!
Thanks for the “four words”!
Thanks for this explanation.
So when I see CPU Headroom +4%…what exactly is that telling me? Obviously, it means I have some headroom for cpu bound settings (LOD etc…) but what exactly is the 4% referencing?
Well, I’m not the devs (Just “#1 Fanboy”…lol) so I will offer my unofficial perspective.
Nothing actionable that I know of. The values themselves are really just an indication of who is working harder to deliver frames.
While you can calculate your frame rate from the time values as I described, you don’t need to as that is already being done for you. And, since Matt added the CPU Limited indication, you don’t even need to use them to try to determine that. It is important to make sure your GPU is the bottleneck, especially since things like Foviated Rendering will only help in GPU limited situations (and can potentially make things worse if you are already CPU limited).
Someone smarter than me can probably come up with other things you would use those values for on a day to day basis in the sim.
It’s 4% of the target frame time for your locked MR rate.
If you lock onto 30 FPS, your target frame time is 1/30=33.3ms. So when you see CPU headroom at 4% it means you have 4% of 33.3ms left of headroom, ie 1.33ms.
After just picking up my jaw from the floor of the plane, I come here to say THANKS to Matt,Cpt and Devs. This release is just ridiculous. Absolute game changer Wow!
Love the Sunglasses feature. I know this was on Cpt wish list very early on
Side note, who else tried the Trunight in daytime and loved it? super sharp and vivid scenery. if it wasnt for the purple sky I would just keep it on this setting
Just a quick question, does having the “contrast, brightness, exposure, saturation…” custom settings override the sunglasses presets “light” “dark” and my fav “Trunight”? or are they meant to be used together?
I tried “Trunight” sunglasses during day time, but I found it was washing out all the details of the clouds, so I gave up… So for the time being just staying with the other Sunglasses, they do make quite an improvement in daytime visuals!
fairly certain both settings are actively working at once, not overriding eachother. More like adding up.
@mbucchia Hello again Matthieu. I really would like to understand if there is anything you guys at MS can do about how motion reprojection is handled. Especially at the lowest (22.5fps) repro. For me it’s pretty unstable, compared to MR in steamVR it has a lot more artefacts and distortions and it’s sorta “jumpy”. Is there anything that can be done for it to be more smooth in terms of MR anomalies?
I have asked you this in one form or another a few times already on this forum, for some reason i never get an answer (always presumed you may have either missed the question being too busy or something). Could you be kind enough to shortly explain this as an Oxr dev, i would really appreciate it. With my hardware i really don’t have another choice but to use MR if i want smooth performance and these MR problems are the only thing that’s separating my FS experience from total comfort. Sadly i can’t lock it at higher ratios than 22.5. I have experimented a lot with it and i recently found out that at 45 fps there are practically no artefacts at all. I understand that at 22.5 fps it’s very hard to expect no anomalies.
Just tried out the latest toolkit version and it really is amazing. Flying over the Corinth canal in Greece in the Stearman, the sunglass option made all the difference to the washed out terrain. With OXR 100%, TAA 100% and 100% toolkit I had the clearest image and the best performance yet on my G2 (MR off). I have yet to tinker with resolution override, but may not need to, as I was perfectly happy with a rock steady 30fps and the image quality I am having.
Ahhh that makes sense. Thank you for the clarification!
You get 30fps at 100%? How is it on the ground?
The sunglass option is the best feature! It would be great to have an option to make it the default menu or toggle it like the screen shot.