Option to disable automatic exposition/brightness adjustment

At the moment, everything outside of the cockpit in VR is washed out/overexposed. This is frankly not enjoyable.
It is further exacerbated by the autobrightness effect. This effect is not working well in VR and most of the time the cockpit is well exposed and the outsitde scenery washed out even when looking directly outside. This is a bit better if you “stick your head to the cockpit window”
That would be nice to have an option to disable this “effect” and evenly expose the cockpit and outside scenery.

or they could just get the visuals corrected


Are you referring to the eye adaptation feature? This can be disabled in user options config file

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Where in the config file can this be found?

Near the bottom, in the “post processing” section. Make sure you are in the vr section, not the 2d section .

This option is what causes the world appearing very bright and then quickly darkening on camera move, I think it is trying to mimic the human pupil contracting/adapting to bright light .

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This had been reported a long time ago.
You can add your vote here:

Right now there’s is nothing we can do, the eye adaptation option doesn’t change anything unfortunately.

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There isn’t anything we can do about the eye adaptation (changing the setting in the config doesn’t do anything for me), or for the over exposure, but you’ll be happy to know that the Latest OpenXR Toolkit which is hot off the press now includes brightness control.

Like I said, it doesn’t fix the exposure, but it sure makes things easier on your eyes!


Not really easier on our eyes unfortunately. You can play with brightness, contrast and saturation but in the end, this will still happen:

We really need a fix from Asobo on this one.


Yes, I see what you mean. And yes agreed we need a proper fix for this and all of the exposure problems. I have voted on this and the other topics asking the same.

However I did think the eye adaptation setting had a visible change for me - as I recall it seemed to remove the time-based auto-exposure change that happens after a camera move. However this was many sim updates ago and given the long process of restarting MSFS I did not spend long testing it, I just turned it off and left it that way ever since !

Thanks for your answers!
I can confirm the EyeAdaptation setting has not effect unfortunatelly :frowning:
I voted for implementing the metering system for VR already but without eye tracking I think it will be hard to implement reliably. I still think we should have the option to disable any “brightness adaptation” and have even exposure.

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Someone said, I don’t remember where, that the exposure setting already exists when using the Drone mode in 2D. How hard could it be to let us lower it or even deactivate it then?