Option to disable menu animation, and option for low power mode

Option to disable menu animations, as well as a “Low Power Mode”, were present and added respectively to 2020, however are missing from 2024.

I would like to request they be added to 2024.


2 simple additions to 2024 I’d love to see added as Low Power Mode helped performance on my PC a lot in 2020.


A really small thing but yes, I mean who needs that?

It’s an accessibility issue, and having animations off makes menus much more responsive and easy to use.

In terms of low power mode, if you add up the wasted power usage by having full rendering at uncapped FPS in a menu, it’s a significant carbon footprint and cost to end users.

Enough people need it that they added it to 2020. Both of these features were in 2020 so it’s odd they were not included in 2024.

If you don’t need it, then why bother commenting, and especially with such a tone. It sounds more like you are dismissing the idea because you don’t need it, rather than asking a genuine question.


In MSFS2020 there was a Low Power option in the Experimental settings area. This made it so the 3D environment would not load in the main menu, which made for a great performance increase in the menus and a reduced workload on the computer.

It would be great if this feature was added as an optional setting for FS2024’s main menu as well as the career mode “Headquarters”.


And to add to this, even if that means more loading time between the menu and 3D world, I would accept that.

Because they load in the 3D world with the menu now, it may be tricky for them to do.

Even a menu FPS cap of 30 native fps (non FG) would help, I like to limit my FPS a bit higher than that in driver settings, so the menu is still very power hungry even with a 90 fps cap (FG on, so 45 native fps cap).

I assume Menu animations are trying to hide that there is loading time to open the menu and stream data.

Yes please!

Low power mode much needed in the sim please.

Great suggestion!

Due to having real life to deal with the sim ends up spending a good 3/4 of its running life paused. For me at least.

Due to electricity prices that equates to about $0.30/hour, or about $80/month.

Over the projected 5 year lifespan of the sim that will end up being $4,800 in wasted electricity.

I understand that watching a 3D pause menu is totally worth $5k for some people here, but personally I would rather spend it on something else, especially because I don’t actually look at the pause screen - it is paused because I am elsewhere, hence an option for that would be amazing. Good for our wallets, good for our hardware, good for the planet.

Can’t understand why a feature requested by the community and successfully added in MSFS2020 was skipped in MSFS2024 :frowning:

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Micro-sobo felt the need to add a wildly annoying menu animation every time I hit escape to change some setting, zooming out into external view and back to internal view when resuming the flight with no option to turn this off (at least I haven’t found any option to do so, menu animation seem to have disappeared together with other UI options such as font size, colour and translucency).
Especially in VR this causes a puke fest :nauseated_face:.

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