ORBX - South America Mesh

The Tepui now look a little bit more like they should but they are still far from real.
And its just an mesh update so the poor textures stay poor.

I hope some artist will handretouching them soon, including the mapping. Where are the south american talents :wink: ?

Very little mesh morphing as promised, good!

Will have a look at the andes tommorow.

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Some screenshots from the Chile Bushtrip (reflown in the Hawker Hunter) taken a bit south of Mount Fitzroy. Don’t have before/after, but I think the terrain looks incredible.


Despite any limitations already mentioned in this thread I’m extremely happy with this mesh.

If you’re a heli pilot, bush flyer or glider pilot who spends a lot of time close to mountains/valleys then you cant fail to notice the significant improvement in detail. When you cover that mesh in high resolution textures by using the mod that cant be mentioned here, the results are pretty remarkable.

I’ve gone from hardly flying in SA to barely flying anywhere else. It’s transformed the area in ways that screenshots just cant convey. Very happy customer.


Visit machu picchu today. The area arounf Cuzco looks very promising but the very narrow valley around machu picchu looks still very rounded and need some manual improvement for shure. And again, this mesh update can not fix poor maps.

In the valley that leads from Cuzco to machu picchu I found this “rollercoaster”, ORBX please fix this.

Thank you!

update 1

Having another trip from Chimbote to Huaraz along the Callejón de Huaylas valley shows very differnt impressions. It starts with an completely flat rounded area south of Chimbote that has never ever an 10m mesh, maybe 100 and it looks horrible with its distortet roads and buildings. Then after a few miles the picrure changed and the mesh looks great with almost no morphing.

Flying along Rio Santa it become real inhomogen.

The right side, towards the ocean, looks pretty, detailed, little to not noticable morphing, while the left side, cordillera blanca, is anything but good. Rounded “cotton candy” mountains everywhere, visible morphing, terrain spikes, absolutely disappointing, I have to check wich one is worse, the Asobo mesh or the ORBX one. To put it politely, there is a lot of potential.

More places to go, more updates will follow.

Could you post a pic of Machu Picchu with this new mesh please?

OK, here is machu picchu

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Unfortunately ugly spikes and warts in and by the Chucuicamata mine, chile:

ORBX, please fix this, the spikes are widely spread in this mesh.

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But great visuals also…

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Saw it yesterday on marketplace on xbox (with Himalaya mesh), is it worst?

Hold on… Unless I am missing something on my MSFS2020, this here is a default Machu Pichu, covered with generic textures, and no citadel in sight. So - is this an aerial imagery scenery as well, not just terrain mesh upgrade?

I dont use any additional addons, just msfs and the orbx mesh.

Do you have online functionality active?

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:man_facepalming: OK - THANK you for pointing this out, I did NOT have that on for some reason (I did not disable this myself, Must have been something during the last SU)

This also fixed the “white rectangle” issue in my other post. :smiley: :exploding_head:

Again, thank you!!

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I’m always gobsmacked when I see that someone is flying with Online Functionality Off and doesn’t realize it. The difference is almost literally like night and day. :wink:

I mean …



:face_with_hand_over_mouth: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I am a developer and I was focusing on that area for a while, not flying anywhere else…

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C’mon that’s got to be X-Plane vs MSFS :laughing:

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Just picked up the mesh. It’s great! Now need some new textures.

If you squint, it’s almost the same :rofl:
(Except the first one!)

Also I am developer. I only fly at the Patagonia region. Is truly challenging and nice landscape.
I’ve developed many sceneries and missions on that zone. Some availables at flightsim.to and showed on my YouTube channel: Old Virtual Pilot - YouTube
Kind regards.

I feel Orbx has fallen off the globe. They are just not as good as they used to be.
Or the Sim is so good that Orbx can’t compete with the free. I have the Alaska Mesh and it’s just sad, what does it do?
And Orbx airports.
Please don’t get me going . Lol

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