Overspeed problem

Hi guys,

Sorry, I’m a beginner so my question might be a bit idiotic. So I’m flying an Airbus A320neo and it keeps telling me during the whole flight that we are “overspeed”. Our cruising speed is at 420 and the Co-Pilot is flying which makes this even more weird. And the speed where it begins to warn me is always different in each flight and that warning sign makes the games super annoying. I cant fly like 250 knots just to please the game… :smiley:

My question is that how do I manage to set up everything to make sure the game is not warning me to slow down even when the co-pilot is flying.

Thanks a lot!

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Yeah, I get it all the time. Your total air speed (TAS) for cruising is 420, but that has to take wind direction and speed into account.

The Science (ish)

Civilian aircraft have structural and engine tolerance limits.
While it’s true they feasibly could reach extreme speeds, they shouldn’t.
350 Knots airspeed is NOT a definite or perfect indicator of forward momentum AKA MPH ground speed.
At 30,000 feet 300 Knots airspeed is NOT 300 MPH ground speed. It’s actually approximately 510+MPH or Mach .80-.82 (depending on environmental factors) which is a common airliner cruising speed and altitude.
Airspeed is about air flowing over the wing. As altitude increases, air density decreases, thus the displayed airspeed (IAS knots) diminishes, and cannot be considered relevant to the aircrafts true forward speed.

In the screenshot, you’re still on flaps 2. That’s why you’re overspeeding. Below FL010 everything above 250 kts is overspeed. Above FL010 you’re good to go.

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he also has the gear down

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Indeed he has :smile:

Yup, flaps and gear.

At this screenshot the co-pilot is flying. I would assume that the AI would now how to fly without any warning. I could have also attached screenshot from above 10.000 feet. Same thing happens, overspeed warning, regardless the “pilot”. It is also weird that the limit, where it starts doing it always differs. Once it starts doing it above 285 knots, other time at 350. (Same plane)

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Thanks for the explanation. How do I know my actual speed? How do I decide what speed to take when for instance I know I need the fly like lets say 10 minutes in one direction?

Also, once I was controlling the plane myself, the speed looked okay, I mean there were no warnings, and when I turned the AI on the co-pilot rose the speed and the warning came on…

Furthermore… :smiley: If we are already here, and I’m such a beginner… I use controller plus the keyboard to play. If I don’t touch the joystick on the controller, the plane will start tipping to the right. Is that because my controller is not calibrated or the game expects me to always keep my finger on the joystick so I keep the plane straight.

And now I know how the speed thing works, so thats fine. But still, I don’t get it why is that when I switch to co-pilot, the co-pilot would decrease altitude and raise speed so it would go in the the warning zone.

Thanks again!

Depends what plane you’re flying… In the Cirrus SR22 for example, the fuel tanks are in each wing and drain one at a time. Therefore as you fly one wing becomes lighter than the other and the aircraft will start to roll in the direction of the heavier wing. So you need to periodically switch fuel tanks to keep things balanced.

I have no idea how the co-pilot thinks, but it could be because your flightplan is for a specific altitude, so all they’re trying to do is get the plane to do what was planned in advance?

Chuckie the AI autopilot guns the throttles to fly at the flightplan speed. Above the 10,000 foot speed limit, this seems to be as fast as the plane will go … hence the ‘overspeed’ warnings (and also excessive fuel usage…). Also take a look at this thread - entertaining if not any more actual help

I actually managed to set and change altitude and speed for the autopilot, and I understand why the autopilot was too fast sometimes. Still lot to learn… :smiley:

Thanks for all the help guys :v:

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Which airplane was this? I tried to override on both the 748 and the a320 and wasn’t able to.

It was the A320. If I fly on around 30.000 feet the overspeed starts at around 330 knots but obviously it can differ.