Bingo. 10 characters is too much.
That seems to be the issue, weird.
I see anecdotal evidence from my environment. I used to be the only person using flight sims and now I have two more who joined recently, who never played any flight sim before, were never even interested and now they love it and are here to stay for years to come. I was not even one introducing it to them. They just found it themselves from marketing material / youtubers, etc.
Edit: I guess I would also count as evidence because I came back to flight sims after years of being inactive (played only il2). MSFS just brought me back. A lot of people stated on this forum that MSFS got them back to flight sims.
In MSFS we have several excellent aircraft that are full products, not reskins, in the $20-30 range. The MB-339, G-91, P.149… I don’t think it’s correct to say aircraft in this price range are “low quality copies or clones”.
Well I hope that’s the case. The survey did say some numbers were up in some respects but not in others. There is certainly a surge in people trying FS because of the hype, but I just didn’t think they would stick around. Let’s hope they do. We all benefit if there are more players.
This does seem to work, but I haven’t really figured out the GPS100 yet, I like that version of the cockpit because as far as I’m concerned, I’m just flying an old steam gauge plane with no GPS. I do like using the HSI though.
I haven’t heard of those but it’s all very relative to what we consider acceptable or good or great. For jet fighters and WWII piston fighters, DCS is my standard of excellence, I haven’t found any fighters in any other sim that compares to the realism there. I tried a few jet fighters in X-Plane and FSX but was always disappointed. I’ll have to do some research on the ones you mention. I did hope that FS would bring more competition which may mean lower prices, maybe it’s happening. But I would be surprised if the high end developers ever lower their prices on their study level planes. They are just too much work to make and support.
The pricing model is convoluted and a little odd. I did a few calculations.
According to JF on the Avsim forums, buying the Arrow (Full price) + Turbo Arrow (with 66% discount) will end up cheaper than the (currently unknown) bundle discount price.
There is also a 25% discount on the Arrow if you have the P3D or FSX Arrows (but not XPlane as that is done by a different developer).
So worst case is you just want the standard Arrow and have no P3D/FSX earlier versions - $44 for just one aircraft
Best case (assumption: Turbo III/IV package is also $44 full price) is previous owner discount Arrow III ($33) + Discount Turbo Arrow III and Turbo Arrow IV ($14.52) for a total of $47.52 for three aircraft - $15.84 per aircraft .
They may of course price the 2 aircraft Turbo Arrow package higher than $44 of course.
Discount Arrow III? Discount from where? You gotta pay full price and then get 66% on turbo… so 58.52. When can we expect discounts from JustFlight?
Edit: I see… previous owner… hmmm
OK i edited to make that clearer.
Best case is if you already own a Just Flight P3D or FSX Arrow from Just Flight Store and get a 25% discount on the MSFS one and then pick up the two turbo at 66% off.
To get the discount you must have a P3D or FSX Just Flight Arrow (not XPlane) and you must have bought it direct from their store.
That figure also assume the Turbo package is $44 - it may well be much more expensive.
Completed two cross-country flights and a few patterns. Absolutely my favorite GA single engine aircraft right now. I love the persistent saving and how oil, battery, gas is saved per flight and that really adds to the immersion. I’d love to see more wear and tear as you use the aircraft in future updates. One gripe is the autopilot in NAV mode seems to sway left and right every 5nm or so (which I believe is a fault of the default autopilot unfortunately). Have flown a few Arrows - more so the turbo arrow - but it does feel nearly on the numbers. I think it’s a tad floaty over the runway at low-speed.
Otherwise, I’d totally go for this option if you’d have to pick. Also looking forward to the upcoming Turbo Arrow.
I decided to buy this and give it a whirl. I had some reservations due to the lack of visual icing but JF has responded to the feedback on that topic and says they will have something added in soon.
The Turbo is really what I want, and the Turbo will include 2 aircraft (the Turbo Arrow III and IV) so by the time I get all 3, it will be around $60 for 3 aircraft or $20 each, which I can handle. I also don’t have any prior payware from any flight sim vendor, so I have been trying aircraft from different vendors to see who I might like to stick with going forward.
I’ve mostly flown the freeware Turbo Bonanza mod in the sim (1/3rd of the way around the world so far) so that aircraft with a flight model tuned by Robert Young (formerly of RealAir) is my point of reference here. I don’t have extensive flight sim experience before MSFS, and I’ve never flown a real Arrow. Did one short flight once in a friend’s Cherokee.
Flight model seems very well tuned. I highly recommend straight linear response curves for controls, it seems to be tuned with that in mind.
Taxis easily.
Needs some right rudder on takeoff (expected due to P-factor) but once you get the hang of it it’s very controllable.
Trims very nicely for a constant climb rate or level flight. The real aircraft does not have vertical A/P, but JF included an altitude hold mode via a designated clickspot. However, the trim behavior was so good that I did not miss the vertical A/P at all on my two test flights. Many of the stock aircraft seem hard to trim (pitch unstable so they bounce back and forth a lot), this seems much more realistic.
Very stable in turns, doesn’t have the ‘shuddering’ that some of the stock Asobo aircraft has, holds a bank angle nicely through a turn.
Very very well behaved on short final, roundout, and flare. Comes in on final nicely with full flaps, drag seems well tuned. Responds well to changes in power to control descent rate. Easy to fly along 6 inches above runway for a little bit and really grease the landing. Great touchdowns the very first two times I landed it. It has a feeling stability and inertia to it during landing that the stock aircraft don’t have.
Stalls and spins seem reasonably well modeled. Without power it just mushes without a clean stall break which I’ve read is generally correct for a Piper. With some power you can get it to stall and drop a wing, but easy to recover within less then a rotation.
The sounds seem well done. Stall horn especially has a nice sound to it. Switches, knobs, etc all have sounds that match what they are doing and give a nice tactile feeling.
The option of 3 different GPSes is a nice touch.
The one downside is I do think some of the interior textures could be improved a bit. But I’m generally willing to weigh that against all of the positives above. There is nothing super glaring in the ‘normal’ cockpit views, but for instance if you turn around behind you while maintaining the ‘default’ head position there is a knob in the ceiling which is indeed interact-able and has a very rough looking label on it. If the developer said that to keep the price the same better textures would have meant a worse flight model, I’d tell them to keep the great flight model. (My wife plays a lot of different video games, not just sims, and she thought I was maybe being overly picky.).
There is a 2nd set of ‘less worn’ cockpit textures which I haven’t tried yet, they might be cleaner in some respects. There is 1 texture which can be swapped out out of the set to get ‘non scratched’ windshields.
One thing to watch out for, it does seem like setting the ‘HDG ON’ switch in combination with ‘AP OFF’ actually turns on the AP even though you wouldn’t expect it to, which might create the impression something has gone wrong as you fight the AP. So I wouldn’t mess with the AP until you’re in the air.
Happy to try to answer anyone else’s questions.
Just so people know, anyone buying the first Arrow from JF will get a substantial discount for the Turbos from JF when they release. From memory something like 60% off. This makes all 3 a very good deal.
( [EdamllamaB has now edited his post)
Yeah, that especially applies also to the coupler, don’t touch it until airborne, set heading bug to present heading, enable AP+HDG on and then you can fiddle around with OMNI/NAV modes.
Otherwise the AP seems to misbehave without clear way to recover from that state.
And in case you want to use the GNS530/GNS430, I’ve added a small HowTo to make the bezel no longer cover the display contents:
Can somebody please tell me the name of the file? I don’t wanna try them one by one. and .json those 2 files.
You got old VC and clean window.
Perfect, thank you.
I am sorry, but Focke-Wulf P.149D is a broken product or at least very buggy product. Is it worth £17? Maybe. But I would never call it an “excellent aircraft that [is] a full product”.
I restarted many times and still no success.