Yup. If all goes well, end of June.
Looking great, with the detailed interiors how’s the performance? Are you making a version without the modeled interiors for better performance for those of us that don’t care about the inside modeling of the buildings?
KSLC project is built on a i9-9900k cpu @3.6Hz, 32gig ram, RTX 2080t1 gpu. Running real smooth on this system thus far. Testing from different testers’ specs will tell us more, but so far so good with current details. What specs do you have?
RTX2070S with a 3700x @ 3.6 Hz processor and 32GB 3.0 RAM. I usually don’t have issues with scenery but in the past the 2 I have not been able to run smoothly are DD KMDW and Chicago city scenery. iniBuilds KDTW is also not great at full detail, but they have an option to turn down interior detail inside the buildings and with ramp objects for better performance which helps a lot. All other sceneries I’ve purchased across many devs I’ve had zero issues with. Hoping this one is smooth as well!
We’ve tweaked and optimized since the beginning of the project so you should be fine based on your specs.
Those sceneries you mentioned use a lot of vram. DD Midway uses 15gb on my card. Just lower your texture quality to medium. I’m afraid many 3rd party airports need 12gb VRAM to run smoothly.
KSLC is not located in a demanding area so I have hope it will run smoothly.
Yes biggest mistake third party developers make is assume users have a 12GB or higher GPU. But in reality most are running on 8GB.
Can I get an update on if this add on for KSLC will be on the Xbox MFS Marketplace?
Please release by next weekend! Would love to fly out of it to KIAH for the FSExpo.
Can’t say I agree. We want developers building high quality scenery that looks great now and will take advantage of today’s high end systems and future hardware.
To the degree users don’t have the hardware for it today or just want FS to run at 100FPS, they can always choose to lower their quality settings. That’s why those settings are there.
Conversely, you can’t increase the quality of scenery on higher end machines if the developers don’t design for them in the first place. Why cap the quality for everyone?
I have probably what is a mid-range setup at this point (Ryzen 5800X CPU and 3060Ti graphics card), and I usually have no problem with stutters at any of the payware airports. I use a mix of ultra and high settings and cap my FPS at 30, LOD settings at 125. I also run FSLTL. Usually the folks who whine about poor performance at the payware airports have their settings too high for their setup.
Due to our attendance at the FS Expo in Houston this past weekend we are running a bit late in prepping the product for release. The final beta is currently in progress and although it’s cutting a bit too close, we are hopeful of a possible release this weekend. In the meantime, enjoy the night lighting scenes below.
KSL now released at the PacSim Store. (Scenes for pilots who deviate from the norm. - PacSim Online)
It will be released at the Marketplace in due course.
Looking forward to heading there in the Air Canada A320 for the VA!
For others purchasing, don’t get to read the readme and grab the VDGS files required after installation!
Hey Matsc133, thanks for buying KSLC. Hope you are enjoying it. BTW, it seems your monitor or screen capture is overly saturated that’s why there’s so much red all over your pics. Great captions though.
My guess it’s a Reshade filter. I have one too but not as red.
And I bought it too Gotta have my Delta Hubs.
Gotcha. And thanks for purchasing the product.
Might also have the monitor set to “wide” color space instead of standard SRGB. Wide will oversaturate colors…
I know this product comes with it’s own installer which automatically installs files in the Community folder. I use Addon Linker and install addons elsewhere and link to the community folder. Has anyone tried this? Does it work? Don’t want to make the purchase and find a problem after the fact.