[PacSim] - KSLC Salt Lake City International Airport

While I can’t comment on the product, it is a prerequisite for a developer to take criticism with dignity, even if you don’t agree with it. The dev’s initial response to a customer who has simply (and politely) expressed an opinion isn’t really what I’d expect from someone trying to market a product.

I’ve not much interest in flying in the USA but the first thing I thought when viewing screenshots and online reviews of KSLC is how uniform and unweathered SOME of the textures look. I appreciate the amount of work and talent that must have gone into this project but you have to take criticism on board, however unwarranted you think it might be.

If your airports are in the highest price bracket, you have to expect (and deal with) the harshest level of criticism. No scenery is perfect, and throwing a mini-tantrum when someone has the ‘audacity’ to question your work doesn’t instil confidence. If you’re only receptive to praise, something’s wrong.

That’s my unbiased opinion, as (kind of) an outsider looking in.


That’s true. and I agree about taking criticism. We’ve always taken on criticisms whether positive or negative that’s why you hardly see us posting after criticisms in any FS forum. But this is different, as most of what is said by Mark is absolutely based on nothing more than biased opinion without substantive proof of “low quality” work, hence our reply. Below is a picture of the airport product (PBR-based texture) from close-up perspective. He has not shown me where the lack of quality is in the product compared with what I am showing here for his sake. It will be really helpful if he did tell me where I can improve the textures. And by the way, the real world KSLC is a brand new airport just completed phase 1 development in 2020. Phase 2 will be 2024. There’s hardly any weathering on the real world airport terminal so we can’t make the product look weathered at this juncture, for those who like weathering.


Now, in that image, everything looks pretty good, if not a touch ‘neat’. It’s very hard to tell from screenshots, and I’d reserve final judgement until I saw the product running in the sim.

I actually thought, on the whole, how nice it looked — and if it were my local airport, I’d not hesitate to buy it. Aesthetics are a big part of the initial attraction to a scenery but performance is, of course, just as important (if not more so). One has to take the scenery as a complete package, in order to properly assess.

For me to buy an expensive scenery of an airport with which I’m totally unfamiliar, it has to offer something absolutely standout — and while your scenery certainly looks nice, I’d personally be looking for that little extra to justify the cost.

I don’t think anyone ever suggested your work was ‘low quality’ — textures are subjective and some just like theirs a little more muted.

I’m still trying to talk myself into buying this airport. Even though it is a beautiful product, and is also my home airport, I just don’t see myself using the scenery enough to justify paying that high of a price. I can’t see myself paying that much for ANY airport add-on, regardless of the quality.

As primarily a bush pilot, I suppose I’m not really in the targeted market for this kind of add-on, anyway.

I still want it, though…

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Are you using FSTL? I have almost no traffic 4-5 planes at max. Setting are pretty high in FLTL

I used AIG Traffic with activity level of 80% and airport services 2%

See now I absolutely am the target market for this, have a home cockpit, fly mainly 737, have almost every other US airport from a good quality dev, and I can’t justify the price on this, no matter how good it looks. The reviews are encouraging and I do think devs deserve to get paid for hard work. But at $26 that is a bit high for even the best quality scenery

I flew out today around say 12pm Salt Lake time using FSLTL (IFR: 80) (additional static parked: 3) (absolute max 20 for parked static) and it was busy!

The last two times I flew in and out with the scenery it was pretty empty but after peeking at FR24 it lined up… pretty quite on there too at the given time.

But today as I loaded into the gate I looked at FR24 and it was looking chaotic and once I fired up the injector I’d say well over 70% were full plus lots of landing and departing planes!!

Edit: I guess my point is it may of been an injector bug at the time or injector issue with reading FR24! I’d say try again and see how things fill out!!

Hello from Murray. Can’t wait until this hits the Marketplace. It looks perfect!

Thank you for the feedback! giving it a shot now.

I was waiting for this airport eagerly as I visited Utah 20 years ago and it’s my favourite place in the US. I bought it today then, made my first flight from Portland KPDX and I must say that this is the top league airport addon. I haven’t seen any poor textures as mentioned above. Absolutely beautiful and brilliant addon with a low FPS hit. Thanks PacSim! I already own Incheon (which is awesome too) and I will definitely consider buying Cleveland and Reno.

I doubt anyone really meant ‘poor’ textures — my take, having now seen a couple of review videos, is that some of the textures look a bit too pristine and cartoony. But perhaps that’s the way the airport is? A certain Polish dev’s airports often have this look too and it really doesn’t detract much from the experience.

Personally, I think this airport looks great but, at the price, it’s not one I’d buy (mainly because I’m totally unfamiliar with the area)…

Was looking forward to this since I like to fly in and out of here quite a bit - but $25 is a really, really hard thing to rationalize for me. Unfortunate pass for me, but hope others enjoy it.


Is this available somewhere other than the developer’s website or will it be?

I don’t think so. In the past, all addons from PacSim have only been sold exclusively on their own website.

Thanks for the reply. That’s unfortunate. I only buy from store fronts like Contrail, Orbx Central, IniManager, MSFS store, etc. It’s too difficult to manage future updates when buying from a bunch of one-off websites when you’re dealing with dozens of payware add-ons. I also prefer to minimize distribution of my credit card info. If the developer sees this post, they may want to consider other channels for sales. They’d likely attract more customers and may even be able to sell their add-ons at a cheaper price with a higher volume of sales. I would have bought this.


I purchased directly from them but I’m curious how they handle updates? I purchased but there wasn’t any kind of account being made or anything like that…Just got an email with a download link after purchase. So if they update KSLC, how do you get the update?

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Funny you should mention…had the same thought myself. I’m assuming if they do updates they will send an email to registered owners when they do the update. Personally, I’d rather pay an extra $3-4 to purchase from Orbx so the updates are all in one place.

I can answer that question, because I purchased their KSLC, KRNO and KCLE airports. The airports are released as finished products, there are no further updates. For me, they all perform fairly well and I haven’t noticed any bugs or glitches.