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Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it?
No. But I’ve found a makeshift workaround online that fix this by turning on “Enable force active lod” in developer mode. It seems to fix the jetway but causes a new problem with my PMDG 737 eyebrow windows, so I really hope the dev team could come up with a real fix for this.
Have you disabled/removed all your mods and addons?
Yes, I’ve tried running without any mod/addon as well as reinstalled the sim, the issue is still there.
Brief description of the issue:
The middle section of the jetway occasionally gone missing (see attached screenshot). I’ve saw people facing the same issue in this forum but the moderator doesn’t seem to be able to reproduce the issue and the cases were closed, but I think I have some information that might be useful for that below…
Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:
ICAO or coordinates (DevMode > Debug > Display position)
My screenshot was taken at VTSP, but I’ve seen it happen at every airport like KJFK, BIKF, etc.
Detailed steps to reproduce the issue encountered:
Usually if I choose a particular airport as a starting point, the jetway are all intact. It usually happen after arrival from somewhere else. But at VTSP airport, I managed to get this to happen 99.9999% of the time even if it initially shows up fine. The trick is to fly circling around the terminal building with a Cessna 152, then fly along the runway (from runway 9 side near the terminal to runway 27 side) until you reach the water, after that fly along the runway back to the terminal, now parts of jetways are missing!!
PC specs and/or peripheral set up if relevant:
I7-9750H / RTX2060 / 32GB DDR4-3200 / DX12 / NVIDIA DLSS
Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:
Not sure.
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