Patch 1.9.3. What happened?

Maybe you should take a long hard look at your settings and your internet connection.

PS: That doesn’t match the meaning of “destroyed” in any known language.

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I have already looked at the XBOX networking and everything ok

To @QuadratGolf6324 @Christiance5917 : This is important. Keep in mind that MSFS 2020 scales its overall performance (both visuals and fps) up or down depending on your hardware and internet speed. Watch some of the official MSFS discovery videos, specially the one made by lead engine developer Lionel Fuentes where he talks about how the sim takes into consideration your hardware and internet speed.

Here’s another example. Twitch celeb has a 1060 6 GB. Airport he was flying around looked genuinely “janky” to him and me both. I spawned at the same airport on my PC to see what’s up, and here’s what I found (comparison pictures attached): Imgur: The magic of the Internet

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The… “xbox” networking? :thinking:

I run events for the sim and was concerned when several pilots experienced CTDs just trying to prepare for the flight. Some up to five CTDs just trying to join the flight. Never experienced this level of issues and considered the event couldn’t proceed.

I’m looking forward to a patch but feel ASOBO might take their time with the next one, as too many other areas are broken with recent patches.

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I have high-end preset with render distance and level of detail slider on 200. I can upload some screenshots tomorrow :slight_smile:

For me as a tech junkie it’s not so difficult to get a good great look but:

If someone asks me how to get that look it’s a long way to explain and puh…we need more options in the UI to get it more easy to look great.
Post processing settings etc.

The user.cfg is a great way to get things nice. But you must know what you effect with each setting.
That’s not easy for everyone.

Yes there are for me also a couple of downgrades in the new patch I see and what I couldn’t get solved like others.

Good side effect is a solid stability i recognized, i hammerd today so many different flights and also very much photo shots and different locations over 10 hours sim on time in one session. Rock solid for me so far. I quit not the sim :woozy_face::ok_hand:

Most dislike with 1.9.3 is yeah the building bug in Germany, definitely.
But fast solved due @CptLucky8, rescued the weekend.:clap:

I could at the moment not whine and had a great flying weekend :dash::flight_departure::

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Look my prepar3d,

After japan patch, Prepar3d looks better by far textures than MSFS2020

Thanks a lot for the reply. The difference is immense. The pictures look like a before and after the patch for me. I will definitely check my internet connection. Maybe my provider is having an issue because it happened before.

but don’t you see

textures are far worse in MSFS2020 now after patch

Before was better


Yes. I do see that you don’t see.

Your Prepar3d mess.



Screenshot - 10_3_2020 , 8_56_20 AM2

Now in this moment Prepar3d, Default airport Default Terrain,
this simulator looks better by far the textures

MSFS 2020 now looks bad after patch

no more to say

2010 called. It wants its screenshots back.

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Adding a couple of more to that :rofl: :


Awesome pictures. I just want to clarify that my intention was not to whine or anything. I just noticed that the graphics have gotten worse and wanted to see if I’m the only one who noticed. I still very much enjoy the sim and will keep flying. I mean graphics is not everything, right?
The only real game breaking issue here is that the game crashes more frequently than before. That’s the only issue that stops me from having fun


Out of curiosity, what is your hardware configuration?

May also want to do a speedtest and see if your download speed isn’t capped.

Not is for the connection … the problem is the new update. no more to say.

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I just did a speed test and my speed is usually 50-60 Mbps but today it’s just 20Mbps. So I think we found the solution to my problem. Thank you all very much for your help and replies.
My specs are:
I7-7700K at 4.9Ghz
Asus strix advanced GTX 1080
16 Gb Corsair RAM at 3200Mhz
Game installed on a pretty fast Hard drive not ssd

People please. Don´t only concentrate on the graphics. I rather wish that all planes would be fixed than the graphics first. I love to fly the Cessna 172 G1000 but the MFD keeps on going black and AP turning off.


@EvidencePlz @Abriael @BuildableSea96 @Poewi @WatchfulLand959

This message is for those who post photos declaring that everything works correctly the same. You are wrong. Yes your images look good but before the patch they looked a lot better than now! It’s what you don’t understand

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