Pattern entry lottery


could someone please explain how to enter the pattern correctly, as when i try to fly towards the pattern entry indicator, it just passes behind me and i have to turn around and try again. It has only worked once, and i have no idea why or what i did differently.

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In the United States, for general aviation, fixed wing aircraft:

Normally, you enter on a 45 degree angle to the middle of the left downwind leg at 1000’ AGL (unless otherwise specified). Turn right onto the downwind leg which is parallel to the runway. Abeam the numbers add a notch of flaps, reduce power and begin descending. When the runway is 45 degrees behind you turn 90 degrees to the left (base leg) and continue descending. At the appropriate time, turn left and align with the runway heading and centerline (final) and add a notch of flaps. If you did things correctly, you should be on glideslope and on speed for short final.

This may also help (scroll down to the section on traffic patterns):


Thank you for that, that’s what I try to do in game, but what i can’t find is what are the criteria for triggering the pattern entry icon in game, so that i can move onto the next stage of the landing pattern.

If you haven’t already, try the tutorial. It will take you through the pattern. Find a familiar airfield and practice it over and over with touch-and-go landings.

Flying a “good” pattern is mostly about being consistent, and knowing your speeds, power and trim for the various stages in the last 3 legs.

If you want a perfect lesson in how to NOT fly a Pattern, let “Roger” the AI pilot fly the plane , while you sit back and watch.
I BET you cant persuade him to actually do a “Touch & Go” ROFL


Please can you repeat this using the english language?

Also nice tutorial


Are you at correct pattern altitude? It is usually 1000-1500 feet above airport surface (do not confuse with sea level - you need to know airport elevation above sea level and add another 1000 feet for pattern altitude)

I’m assuming you’re talking about completing the tutorial where you enter the pattern. Like @rookie31st stated you need to make sure you’re at the altitude (or close to) the instructor tells you to be at by the time you cross the waypoint for the next portion to trigger on the first try.

thanks everybody for your replies.
I have done the tutorial.
what i do not need to know is how to fly a pattern.

my question is.
in game after you contact an airport for landing instruction a pattern entry sign post appears with a height, in the direction of the airport.
how do i then activate the pattern entry sign post so that in the atc window the option to ask to be cleared to land appears.
do i need to be above or below the indicated height as i pass thru the sign post ?, is there a specific direction i should be traveling in as i approach the sign post ?
i have spent ages flying back and forth thru the post at different heights and directions, and in the end i just land and have the atc tell me to get off the runway as i did not have permission to land.

I´d suggest you switch off these sign posts and just follow ATC. “Left Downwind RWY 27” means fly a heading of 090 with the RWY on your left side. Then getting a clearance to land should be no problem. It seems to me that the “sign post” system is bugged and no help at all.

You can try flying pattern on non-towered airstrips or do short hops from one N/T airstrip to another selecting downwind entries or straight-ins until you are happy with your performance. Then using ATC without “sign posts” should be a piece of cake.

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As Mike said above, turn off the pattern entry sign posts. If you don’t need it, why use it?

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that’s what i was starting to think.