Payware Bell47G By FlyInside Available now

What are your main issues?

It takes some practice and proper setup. What controller are you using?

I use the TM AIRBUS STICK AND CAPTAINS QUADRANT. Its very hard to maintain forward level flight. It dives or climbs. And cant get over 65knots. When in thr hover you cant tell if your moving forwards or backwards.
It also has its own flight.model and control set up which is unique on the xbox.

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First, the flight model is HARD and it does take some hours to get the hang of it.

You may want to make a controller profile for the Bell 47G, and with your stick, you will probably want to set some trim options. Most helicopters use rotor trim but since the 47G has its own flight model it uses airplane trim, so I usually set it on my hat switch. Nose up and down trim, and aileron left and right. Search for, ā€œTrimā€ and you will find these options. You can even double bind them with helicopter rotor trims so the same profile works for all (most) helicopters.

These will help you keep your nose pointed where you want it so your stick can be used for minimal inputs.

Also, consider medium difficulty (feels more like a Cowansim flight model, easier to hover and taxi) until you start to get the hang of things.

Really, trim is the keys to the kingdom with your gear. It will never be easy to fly, but trim makes it so much more manageable.

One tip I had direct from the developer and the most useful tip Iā€™ve had is this (rather assuming you can access the Heli Manager on Xbox):

Sit in cockpit - engine off is OK. Move your joystick and watch the graphical one. Then go into the Cyclic Range slider in the Heli Manager window and adjust it until your PHYSICAL movement matches exactly to what the stick in the cockpit is doing. And I mean EXACTLY.

Donā€™t mess with curves in the MSFS Sensitivity settings. After that, yep itā€™s just a LOT of practice until you tune into it. You need to be well ahead of the movement of the body. If you only react after you see it, itā€™s too late.

Iā€™ve found a good way to handle the stick is to just make small nudges in the direction you want then IMMEDIATELY back to centre. Before itā€™s visually reacted. And just keep doing that. Move > back to centre. Until itā€™s attitude is what you need. Just small small mini movements is all you need.

Itā€™s very easy to over react then over compensate the other way and get into an increasingly out of control pendulum.

Thatā€™s when you need to be ahead of it, take the energy out and calm all your movement. Donā€™t give up, youā€™ll get it in the end. It kind of gradually then suddenly clicks and itā€™s super satisfying. Good luck!

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The two blade rotors seem to be especially sensitive to the pendulum effect.

Best to correct with the stick, and then counterintuitively, about 50% back in the direction you are swinging.

Only Flyinside could make something so slow be sooooo much fun


Heli manager? Is this a flyinside thingy?

Yes itā€™s where you set the realism options and so on.

was a good way as msfs not support helis,but now i like not to use a extra app for helis to run in the background.
also to change profile or assistend in sim to use this,because it does not work right if you use in sim settingsā€¦have not use the 47 a long time now,and stay away from other wat need helimanager.
and i see other helis,wat offer also very good realismus and do not need this.

The extra app, HeliManager, is only for handling the copyright protection. You can check it by yourself.
Just close it right after loading your flight. Everything still works as planned.
FlyInside use custom WASM code for the flight model, thatā€™s true, but this is normal for many helicopters and planes.
The custom code is currently the only way to simulate some special helicopter or jet engine features.

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Simple fix, if you donā€™t believe everyone about HeliManagerā€¦ just use the Microsoft Marketplace version. Since they take care of DRM (by encrypting the files, which means you cannot edit anything) we have the HeliManager functionality ā€œbaked inā€ to another custom wasm within the sim.

We are currently working on putting all the functionality of the HeliManger app into a different wasm so that both web and marketplace version work the same way, BUT there will still be some external program to deal with activation and the like.


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so buy it again then??? :joy:
unfortunatly i have it since release.

If you switch from one to the other, web vs, marketplace. You will lose the ability to edit the files. And will have to wait for MS to accept and post each update. Typically 2-4 weeks after the web release as we post them at the same time.

If you REALLY want to swap one for the other you would have to purchase again.

We have no way to get marketplace to swap.


i leave it as is, it stay in the hangar most time,thankĀ“sā€¦

Iā€™m confused. I have read back through your posts here and am still unclear what your issue is. Can you fill me in?

In your earlier posts you say you ā€œlove itā€ and ā€œgreat jobā€. Not being confrontational - just trying to understand and help (maybe)ā€¦

yes,this was as it was released and before updates ruin the fun for meā€¦
and since ms support helis i like to use the way to use a flightmodel wat do not need a outside app a lot more and stay away from helis wat need this.
also you have to disable all assistance in sim,because it do not work together.
then a update from the heli ad vrs,and no option to switch it offā€¦so all fun for me is lostā€¦good is,i have fun before,so not all money is wastet.
i do not like to fly it as it is now.

But as has been pointed out (correctly) you DONā€T need the app in the background. It has NOTHING to do with running the product. It is ONLY for proving youā€™ve purchased it and setting the other settings.

You really donā€™t believe it?!

Just go into the task manager and EXIT THE APP after you started the flight and MAGICALLY everything still works.

I just leave it running with Windows startup though. I am sure I can afford the few hundred kb of RAM it takes to sit there. And because Iā€™m always flying FIā€™s helis, it saves me having to manually start it each time.

As for the VRS and Assistance. Well, surely you would want assistance OFF in the sim anyway to really enjoy choppers as they are meant to be flown. And you can use Heli Manager to tune the difficulty back down to what you prefer and want.

Frankly I donā€™t understand the resistance at all. The system works perfectly.

glad it work for you,
i have no pedals,and with my joystick i can fly all other very nice,only the 47 i have no more fun,and yes i need the assistance in sim to fly them the way i like,realistic i do not care,i want my fun when i fly :wink:ā€¦
my problem,buy the wrong one.
but as i say,i have fun before the updates,so ok.
and there is no option to switch off VRS,other can doā€¦
but ok,
we stop this here,i ask at there discord if they ad this option,answer was noā€¦
but thankĀ“s for try to help :+1:
there are enough wat like now,
so for me ok.
i enjoy the other helis i have now,and these have the options i like.

Not yet :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

So have you tried putting the Tail Rotor Stability slider up to Maximum (yes, in Heli Manager)?

yes,just load it to checkā€¦last flight was a long time ago,
as i say i lost the fun,
after the update for VRS and This other were you lost controll if you are to fast,i can fly it as is,no problem,but it is no more fun.
before it was very nice to fly,and also was faster,i think it is to realistic for me now :rofl:
not relax and fun flying as i like it before.
wish i can use the old flightmodel,but this was only the version wat have no floats(if i am right)wat i like most.

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