After Sim Update 8 on PC version Microsoft Store. I noticed that with FBW A32NX + Navigraph Data and Panel + Ambitious pushback addon the sim will stutter a lot especially when you move the camera.
However, without any addons, everything seems to work fine but I have not tried any scenery yet. Anyone with the same issue?
5950X - RTX3090 - 32GB RAM - 1TB SSD
same for me.
Shortcuts panel do not work. I must use combi key - ctrl+& - to change panel.
Sorry for my bad english !
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it seems a lot of “shortcut” keys have been changed. I used to go from “free” view to “locked” when clicking on the mousewheel once to shift from one to another. Now I have to click the mousewheel to do free view, and right button click to lock view
i did a very short test flight last night after the update, but it wasn’t in an addon airport (well…freeware, yes).
I’ll do a quick test now with EKCH fro Fly Tampa
I have the same issue with A20Nx FBW
I also have navigraph… problems also was on a default airport (flight from PAKN to UHMA).
On cruise the problem disappear.
It was only on taxi, takeoff till to about 5000 ft and landing
okay, i confirm i have the same , PLUS CTD when panning inside cockpit with the camera. now the new keybinding is totally different, and i have to hold the mousewheel down to pan arround in free look. before SU8, I just had to click on the mouse wheel to be in free look or locked look, and move arround with the mouse without any input at the same time.
I have never been too bothered so far with the changes and the problems that occured with SU’s and WU’s. It has always been a problem of performances and or ctd’s now and then ( always fixed quite fast)…but changing all the keybinds, just because gamers wants to use gaming controllers ( well, at least that’s what i presume what happened)is upsetting me. They ( Asobo/Microsoft) should have done one separate system for Xbox, and one for PC.
And before any Xbox’ers start firing at me, guyes, there is absolutely NO problem with MSFS being on Xbox. It’s a fantastic game/simulator, everyone should be able to enjoy it as he/she wants to. Nice commercial/business move from Asobo and Microsoft…BUT… WRONG (very wrong )MOVE on sharing the same os for 2 different platforms. I would say “nice try” but try otherwise.
Yet another presumption of mine ( businessmen from Microsoft having an idea to make more money, but don’t have a clue of the technical challenges implicated) makes me think of a big plane company that had the same issue on another level
Here too. And stuttering in the taxi, take-offs and landings.
yepp, exactly same here, Stutters with same aircraft and addons…
Confirm same issue, got limited by mainthread through the whole flight. Settings are same as post-su8 and had around 40 FPS then.
Picture of yesterdays flight with exactly same settings.
Processing: received_643956516686358.webp…
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Me too, very heavy stutter, never had the snag before…
Same. CRJ A32NX DC6
Noticed my rolling cache was off. Haven’t tried again since I re enabled it.
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I am a PC user and not very IT knowledgeable. Switching from cockpit view to Exterior view by toggling the End key, I often use Ctrl+[nbr keys] to look around my aircaft, and return to cockpit view with my plane still straight ahead of me.
After the update yesterday, these views stutter/shake/judder even with the original planes, so are now unusable.
No need to apologise for your English. We understand okay and are mostly too lazy to speak other than English ourselves. ~ Englishman.
I’m on xbox and I love flying religiously! But I said months ago that it should never have been released on xbox unless it was 100% stable and certain to not ruin it for PC gamers who have been simming for years. The list of seriously broken elements is so long that in stead of hiring more staff for their wallets best interests (all on marketplace) they should have hired expert programmers who actually know what they are doing. Replacing leadership with someone who communicates honestly and regularly would not have been a bad idea either.
I’m having the exact same issues, but mine started a few days before sim update 8. Panning around stutters are very bad even at 45-50 fps.
Same. I didn’t have the issue yesterday immediately after the update. I did a flight in the Airbus FBW without issues. Since this morning, regardless of setting or aircraft (including the C152), the stutters are horrible. I am wondering if it is a server related issue. I seem to recall I always ran into issues (including CTDs) after sim updates for a couple of days, then things settle down? Even when I turn settings down to a modest level, the stutters are pretty heavy.
exactly my idea. I understand the idea to share “religious” flight simming ( that has been the monopole of pc owners), to quote you, with console owners. I believe (though not knowing ANYTHING of programing nor IT in general ) that programing for a console is very different as for pc. Correct me if i’m wrong, but i think one is more CPU use related whilst the other more GPU use,oriented. Anyway, the Devs, should have developped simultaneously both platforms, but with two complete different team. But again, I have very poor IT knowledge, and am definitely no businessman either
I have taken everything out of the community folder and still have stutters when I move the camera… Happens on all aircraft and only happened since update…
I’m also having the same issues. Panning around has become almost impossible. It seems that pushing the numbers pad buttons cause a double input. Frustrating.