So most of planes have bugs i have tried a bunch mainly non airliners but the pc12 seems pretty good. Im sure it may have few issues but seems pretty good. I been trying out alot of them to find one without lots bugs an this one may be it. The screen finger smudges is a bit to much.
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i agree its my favorite and most flown plane so far. Just need the 24 to be fixed next week and ill be all set haha
PC-12 Won’t follow glidepath on ILS approach. That’s a pretty big bug I found and it is documented by several other contributors here.
hmm i have yet to have that issue.
And the Honeycomb Apex isn’t fully implemented. Try a divert to a different destination, or a DCT to a waypoint.
WorkingTitle acknowledged that the map interface isn’t implemented as in reality (where you can click on the map)
So maybe not so many bugs, but not fully implemented either (other examples are e.g. oxygen, cabin temp) and certainly not VATSIM ready.
In missions flight plan is not loaded on start. When I create a flight plan from scratch before take off all waypoints are duplicated at the bottom of the flight plan each seperate by a discontinuity. Doesn’t seem right.
No problem in flying ILS approach with AP. Different airports.
Three digit airports (origin and destinations) cannot be entered into flight plan. This one is especially annoying
Top Of Climb popping in and out of flight plan. Brocken pressurisation. Auto-throttle hunting up and down. This plane is far from bug free