With 3rd-party Addons it’s quite bad (like the FBW A32NX). Without them it seems to be okay, but with addons installed the performance tanks.
Yes, long time no see on here. It is interesting people are seeing a perf drop. But 15FPS is only 7 or 8 real FPS so just trying to gauge the scale of the problem. I’m just seeing my usual FPS/fluidity, but like I’ve said before I keep my CPU well out of limitation already. Have had some silky smooth flights since release and I don’t always fixate on FPS anyway. Some people on here tend to have tunnel vison in this regard, but I do understand the reasons why they are complaining.
My system: 5950/3090,4K,DLSS Quality,FSLTL,GSX,737 or Maddog/NVidia driver 537.x
For me those 10 fps I lost make quite a difference and is turning me off from simming altogether, I had to drop LOD from 175 to 95, to get the same performance and that makes everything blurry and ugly.
But of course people with higher specs won’t notice as much.
From a CPU perspective Are you running any AI traffic? One of the biggest CPU loaders tends to be high levels of AI traffic add on wise.
I once did. Like I said, no problems with SU13 and now suddenly low GPU-usage and CPU main-thread-limited. AI-Traffic doesn’t make a difference here for me.
EDDF before SU13: ~ 26-28 FPS
EDDF after SU13 (same settings, same addons): 22 - 26
My GPU isn’t the strongest, yeah. That’s why it’s even stranger that i get CPU limited with my Ryzen 5 5600X.
This sim has always been a juggling act. Ever since I started out with it 2+ years ago. I’ve juggled with it on XBox, on laptop and now still juggling with it on desktop PC. Where despite my specs I have to be careful to balance it all out. I run with a TLOD of 100, but enjoy enough AI traffic for it to be realistic feeling. It’s all about tradeoffs with this sim. One slight tweak in the wrong direction settings wise and FPS can disappear rather quickly.
If you are in low GPU usage. Just as a quick check what happens if you say increase your render scale by a small amount? say 10% Do you get GPU limited situation and FPS back again?
Yep, using RAMMAP after closing MSFS, it’s basically swallowed all the standby memory. Not seen this behaviour with any other title. I do know though, if I’ve gone back into the sim without first clearing things in standby, the performance will be slightly worse and 2 times out of 5, I’ll either experience a CTD when loading a flight or at some point during one.
Tis a strange one!
Good morning i have low fps su14 respect su13 . Help me
Can you try this one;
Please come back with your findings and what are your system specs?
During Beta, I published a problem about performance loss and stuttering, but my post was removed and even blocked some of my opinions. Therefore, turn off the FPS display, enjoy this game, instead of resisting, it is better to lie down and enjoy.
Completely deleted MSFS, only kept Community folder. Reinstalled everything, and only added the things I want to fly now.
Performance wise: Not exactly what I used to get - 75 FPS on ultra, I get about 70 now and had to downgrade a few things to high. But at least I can fly and the big stutters are gone.
Not a good solution I know and asobo ms will have to sort this thing out, but it flushed the whole system… might be worth the try
I keep having all the screens in the cockpit freeze on me since the update. I had the same issue in beta, and left it for that reason. I’m on Series X and pretty much only use the PMDG 737.
On PC, RTX 3090 24GB: big FPS loss, from around 35 to now 17 to 23. Sometimes 9 FPS.
SU13 was perfect; SU14 is nearly unplayable. I usually am on TAA; tried DLSS Performance: same low FPS, but looking worse. Back to TAA.
I honestly hope we get a patch: staying for several months like that will be awful.
And I got black screens.
I want SU13 back.
Question: what should I lower in Graphics settings that help gain FPS. Many Settings in Ultra for 2 + years with the 3090, but with SU14, I WILL have to lower settings to high.
Which ones are the more demanding on FPS?
In my opinion SU14 is a big step back. I use to fly with addons (AI traffic, payware airports and payware aircraft) and with SU13 was no problem at all.
After SU14 my CPU usage is too hight and I have not a smooth experience anymore.
I hope Asobo fix it soon. It will be a nightmare if we have to wait several months to have a fix.
TLOD 100, clouds high, render scaling 100%
10 Chars
Since 18 Aug 2020, I always had render scaling 100
I just lowered clouds from ultra to high and lowered TLOD from 200 to 100.
I will test…
I just made another flight form KIAD to CYUL with the FSS E170. Before the SU14 I had no issues at all, now the performance is terrible, even the sim is unplayable for me.
What have you done Asobo?.. I dont care to see beautiful colors in the sky, the most important is PERFORMANCE and the last update ruined everything.
I want SU13 BACK
Please check out this thread/linked post in this thread as my card is the same as yours. I’m still running with these settings today and I see no issues with SU14.
FPS is lost because of CPU mainthread limited situation. You need to get your system balanced and back to being more GPU limited. DLSS just relieves GPU load a bit which is mainly intended for lower spec’d GPU systems, so will do nothing to relieve CPU load so that is why changing DLSS setting doesn’t impact FPS. I do run with it on, to keep my GPU fans from screaming, but it’s only useful after shedding some CPU loaders to balance your system first.
Main CPU loaders -
-TLOD & OLOD (less so)
-Shadows (quality)
-AI traffic (of all kinds incl roads, workers, ships, and any AI aircraft eg FSLTL/AIG etc)
-Animations (eg GSX animations, or terminal vehicle/people animations)
Main GPU Loaders -
-Render Scale (if you are not running 4K then you may need to increase this to keep GPU busy enough and balance loading)
-Resolution (3090 should optimally be running native 4K)
-Most other graphical options / sliders