Performance Loss with SU14

I just decided to try out this beta because of the new cirrus, but I am very sad to see that I have lost 6 fps with it, from 58 to 52FPS limited in my usual test scenario, all the gains I had with SU13 are gone and now worse than before. I immediately reverted back and got the performance back, please fix this before release, there is nothing no graphical improvement i this version that justifies this.

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Well, for me it was the opposite, I got my performance back with this beta build. With .18 and .17 I had 10 FPS less.


Hello, I’m comparing to the non beta version 1.34.16, much better, too bad in a couple of days I’ll be forced to upgrade and deal with worse performance.

Yes, that’s what I’m comparing it too. I lost 10 FPS when I went from SU13 to the first SU14 beta, then I went back to SU13 again and got those FPS back, and now I am with SU14 bet again and the performance is back, I have the same FPS as I had with SU13. Only the other two beta builds had worse FPS for me.


Same issue , SU14 Beta [] lost 5-6 fps on my machine, comparing to SU13


Are you limited by the main thread?
Because my GPU performance is the same, it seems I only lost performance in the CPU side of things

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You still have 52… I wouldnt worry to much.

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The thing is, that’s in a small airport with the default Cessna, with the PMDG and heavy airports performance is a struggle, and with about 11 percent less , it will be even worse.
And that is not the point, I should not lose about 10 0ercent performance just because of an update that changed nothing in the graphics.


One of the major points of betas is to report performance regressions like this. No point in just accepting a loss because its still “ok”


I have 10 fps less compared to SU13 , this is unacceptable bad performance. Hope they will fix it.


I think it’s much better with this update. I also downloaded and installed NVIDIA DLSS 3 Frame Generation DLL 3.5.10.

how to install


I saw .21 was released and decided to test again, needless to say, back to SU13.



PLEASE Asobo, fix this before release, Don’t force a 10fps loss on us, this sim performance wasn’t even ideal to begin with.
The settings, location and time of day are the same, a 10 fps is simply unacceptable, specially considering these updates are not optional.


Same here , with the latest build 10fps loss , terrible performance. Worst beta ever. Hope this is not RC build.

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Yes this last beta is very bad, many stutters with low fps and always mini freezes :frowning:


I wasn’t on beta, but just to test it properly, I loaded the sim while still was on SU13, and after installing SU14, at the same airport, with the same vanilla msfs A320, without using any addons, I observed 10-13 FPS loss. I’m wondering what others experience…


I have frames limited to maintain a stable 35 fps and that has now dropped by 5 fps.

I don’t have the juice to drop even 5 fps so……real disappointed here.

I mentioned this in another thread, but if anyone is running DLSS MAKE SURE you update it to 3.5.1, after the sim update, it got reset to version 2.4. On my system this causes a 5-7 FPS drop over all.


we report a lot about that stutter and freezes in the beta and hope there dont release this version

They did already

I lost about 5 fps on the SU. Just now I upgraded DLSS to 3.5.1 and I got them back.
