Perpetual ATIS loop

I was just wondering if any one else was having ATC problems specifically with a continual ATIS broadcast and no options to tune to an alternate frequency.
Its good to know the conditions at a given location but im getting the same info on continual loop for the whole length of a flight be it 20mins or 2hrs im hearing the same ATIS info over and over.

I had this the other day, but just for a couple of minutes, not the whole flight. Thought it was what IT people call “Just One Of Those Things”.

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That’s what ATIS is. A continual loop, changed about every hour or when significant changes to happen (like change in runway direction.)

It sounds like your problem is that you don’t have a choice to change the radio in the ATC menu? I have seen that in various situations where it doesn’t allow me to choose a frequency and the ATC menu becomes useless. If you change the channel of the radio or turn it off, you’ll at least stop hearing the ATIS loop.


When you say continual, are you hearing the ATIS announcement all the time irrespective of the frequency set….only reason I ask is that there is a bug reported where you get the ATIS text continuously being repeated irrespective of if you tuned the radio to a new frequency….

This is being investigated I believe
But if your saying you hear it all the time even if you select another com then that’s a new bug

Ex tenebris


Im hearing the same info continously from which ever airport i take off from until i land at another instead of new info from nearest or destination its always where ive taken off from i.e take off from Manchester and still receiving Manchester ATIS during landing at Frankfurt

Any kinds of posts like “Is anyone else having this problem?” go in Community Support. Your thread has been moved there.

Are you switching the channel to the new airport’s ATIS channel? If so, then this is a very interesting bug. ATIS channel is airport specific, so you need to change the channel (or what people call frequency sometimes, incorrectly apparently) as you approach your destination.

I usually listen to ATIS a couple of times, note the information, then turn it off.

The nice thing about having two comms in an airplane is you can set up the ATIS at the departure and destination airports ahead of time if the comm has the ability to edit the next frequency in a “second window”, like in a KX-155 or a typical Garmin GPS/comm. Then I turn on comm2 when I want to listen to ATIS (usually while I’m monitoring ATC on comm1), and I switch destination ATIS to active as I approach the destination airport.

ATIS, or Automated Tower Information Service, has no value inflight, it’s only meant to repeat the information that’s important to know before you speak to the tower or ground control at an airport so they don’t have to constantly repeat the information (like active runway and wind direction) to every pilot. But all that information is only valid at the airport the ATIS scroll is associated with.

I usually have the Atc done automatically by the copilot.
Before the last update i would tune to local atis for weather and baro settings but now i cant stop the constant atis loop.
I dont know how to turn off ATC as im on xbox (please dont judge me).
Beforehand atc broadcast would change as flight progressed eg alt adjustments and course changes and only transmit atis if it was selected from the atc option box. But now as soon as i turn on avionics its the departure atis all the way to the destination.
Its driving me crazy

I have had this problem in the KDCA area. There is an airport, I don’t remember which one, that was using the default comm 124.85 frequency. Tune your comm 2 to something else (I use 121.5) and see if it goes away. I didn’t see where you mentioned which plane this was in, but you may also have a comm 3 that should be retuned to a different frequency.

It was in various planes at various locations.
F16, T45, G36, CJ4, C172.
Locations = EGOV to EGUL
EGCC to EDDF etc

Please don’t think I’m judging you at all. Ever.
You can’t know what you don’t know.

It sounds to me that there’s a problem with the Co-pilot.
What two airports would be an example of where you’re flying? and I can go over how to figure out what channels to choose and how.

Think it must be the use of the co pilot….I’m flying the same airports as you and 2 of the aircraft and have no issues with the ATIS
I’m not using co pilot though and I’m on pc
Sorry cannot be more helpful

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Best example would be KSUU TO KNID or EGOV to EGUL

This has been a problem for quite some time. I experience it EVERY time I fly out of KSFO. Does not matter the frequency I’m tuned and I cannot find a way to disable it. It’s super annoying. Strange that turning off your comm radios doesn’t work either. In the A320, I have to de-select VHF1 for the ATIS loop to stop.


I think its a a bug/glitch. Problem is not the mesage going in a loop but when you change frequency it should stop. But the atis message goes forever even if you are for example 1000 nm away from that airport atis and change frequency. It does not make sense to still see the atis message.

Can it be fixed? It should be simple fix.

Related bug:

Yeah i get the same. Usually departing from ksfo the second radio tunes the atis of Salinas and stays there. I can’t turn it off or change the frequency. Actually, i think its the ai copilot that tunes it again inmediately. I just turn the volume down and forget about it.

I have every assistance from my copilot off. Like I said the ATIS message goes in a loop. If I change the frequency I dont hear the atis message anymore, but in the ATC menu the atis message still goes in a loop forever.