Does anyone have a fix for this or a known cause?
NYC for example looks horrific?
Does anyone have a fix for this or a known cause?
NYC for example looks horrific?
Have you deleted your rolling cache since the update?
Are you sure your screenshot is default photogrammetry? Those power plant smokestacks look like the We Love VFR Region 2 mod, and those bridges DEFINITELY don’t look stock.
With SamScene 3D New York scenery (payware) + We Love VFR (free) + the NYC bridges mod (payware), New York can indeed look amazing. But it will require a higher end PC and graphics card to pull it off smoothly.
only WeLoveVFR installed, that bridge is stock, as is the rest of the photogrammetry. Just have edited LOD settings in the usercfg.opt file.
I9 11900k and I have decent Internet.
try resetting/deleting your cache files then, under the data options menu.
Thank you!
Would you suggest keeping rolling cache on?
Your screenshot looks amazing btw
all depends. If you (like me) don’t tend to visit the same location often, and fly all over the planet instead, turn it off. If you come back to the same places quite often, it makes sense to keep it turned on.
Just remember to reset/delete cache files on patch day to make sure the new data gets loaded.
Thank you very much!
Maybe you haven’t seen London PG yet?
Trust me if you do, you’ll be singing praises of how good NY looks
I you haven’t deleted your rolling cache after an MSFS update, your photogrammetry will probably be bad.
This is how I see New York, it is not that it looks perfect but I see it quite well for how loaded the stage is
My buildings look melted as silly as this may sound!
It’s quite simple, altough, not for everyone.
Since I switched from DSL 100mbit to a 1GB Fibre connection, photogrammetry looks like it should, crisp and very realistic.
So, the faster your internet connection, the better it gets.
Maybe due an upgrade makes sense! I’ll certainly check it out
Sometimes it doesn’t hurt to give the old router and modem a restart every once in a while.
Could also be something downloading in the background taking up your bandwidth. Windows is really good at doing that.
Some cities look terrible, with the “melted” buildings you mention, no matter what anyone does. London and Vienna are examples. But the photogrammetry in NYC has always been very good, so hopefully the changes suggested here have sorted it for you. Any luck, so far?