Photoscenery boarder with SU18


I yesterday noticed on approach to Geneva, that the boarder between Switzerland and France is a bit heavy. I’m sure this is due to the new SU18 which brings a better photomap for Switzerland. The backside of this is that it is clearly visible on final approach to Geneva RWY04 as the french boarder is very close. See photos.
Is there anything that could be done?


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Looks like the same issue than reported here:

Hi again

It seems as it’s not from the World Update but from the City Update 4 Western Europe. Is there a possiblity to delete only the photo ground textures out of the update and leave the rest?

Good morning, it’s not like that. The graphic bug on bing map appeared after the release of wu18, I installed and uninstalled them all and nothing changed. They told me that they are updating the maps.

Ok thanks for the info. I hope they cone sooner than later. May I ask where they wrote that they will update it? In the Geneva Case it‘s more likely from CU4 than WU18.