Physics Model Needs an Overhaul (ASAP)

Hmmmm, that’s a little extreme right? It’s a monumental step forward from FSX, but I do think the physics model resembles FSX a bit, but its no doubt bettter.

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Hey, please keep it chill here haha. I don’t want to incite any arguments, this is a software meant to provide entertainment and learning, not negativity.

Thanks for being positive!

Thanks so much for the context, that really helps me understand what needs to be fixed. I learn something new everyday :slight_smile:

Yes good point! There actually is a setting where you can adjust realism, it’s been there since the release.

I think a big element of this issue is the word “realism” or “realistic”. When Microsoft markets this as a “realistic flight sim”, you have to realize that the word “realistic” means different things to different people. For all you know, Asobo meant “realistic compared to GTA V”. For some people here, “realistic” means they expect that only real pilots will be able to fly the aircraft. “Realistic” is a marketing word.

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I think the phrase you are looking for is, “As Real as it Gets”. If you finish that with, “on Your Home Computer.”, they aren’t far off.


Adobo with Microsoft’s deep pockets should be able to model the physics of these aircraft. I mean it’s not rocket science right? Oh wait - it is rocket science…

Anyway if you’re going to have the beautiful scenery and interesting challenges etc you need to step it up with the aircraft and flight modeling. They have a ton of experienced new customers from other sims that have higher expectations than just gaming.

X-Plane 11 and its add-on partners have created fantastic looking and functioning aircraft, enabled by the Laminar Research development engine. But the scenery sucks in comparison- even the HD Orbx stuff.

It would be really fantastic to have both aspects in one simulator. MS is probably the only company, aside from Google, that can provide that level of scenery quality. They own the imagery and the infrastructure to stream it. Right now I use X-Plane to pilot aircraft- and MSFS2020 to go sightseeing.


Watch to YT video of the OP and say again “GA aircraft…perform as they do…in real life”


I will bet that this comparison shows up in every post related to aircraft quality in MSFS. I shake my head every time. I say again… Imagine what we will have when we get to MSFS 11.


Welcome to the discussion! But we kind of flushed this is out already. I was more referring from a basic flight and operational standpoint. I mean I have flown a 152 and 172. and I was comparing MSFS2020 to FSX, some of those other simulators like Xplane sound like they have better flight models. again none of these sims are anything close to real life…

All these are good points in this thread and I’m sure will be ironed out over time through updates and 3rd party content.

But ultimately, in my opinion, if you have never flown a plane, I still believe from my experience hopping in a Cessna cold and dark in MSFS2020 and completing a flight with a good powerful PC will give you the most realistic experience as a whole. The ability to navigate VFR is huge, the visual fidelity of the sim adds to the immersion, systems/startup/etc. of the small GA planes are mostly accurate, flight model needs work as discussed but overall, it’s a great product and it’s super exciting to have in the flight sim space and having formally flown these aircraft in real life, as I haven’t flown in years, I’m thrilled to have this sim.

That’s where I stand and people are 100% entitled to their opinions as well.


Probably flying ancient machines powered by dead dinosaurs in a simulation running on our personal spacecrafts entertainment pod.


And I wonder…
If anyone remembers X-Plane 11, how does it compare now…?

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Agree with you 100%

Yup, I think that’s a very fair statement, and I agree with that.

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Well to an extent. One would think that realistic refers to as close as possible to real life, I don’t think a lot of people expected it to be benchmarked against GTA V, but against competitors like X-Plane 11 and P3D. GTA V is not a flight sim nor a competitior to MSFS.

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A constructively critical plea to improve the sophistication of the physics engine!
Like you I am a big supporter of MSFS 2020.
Like you I wish the physics were much more realistic.

I suggest you link this thread to a vote thread in the Wishlist section of these forums.
I, and I imagine many others would like to support this in a meaningful way.


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Try reading the thread before throwing insults.

I’ve read the whole topic but I took your words at face value as a slight or dismissal of that program. So tell me what you did mean and if I’m wrong, I’ll apologise and delete my post.

We start with the classic comparison of a title in its 11th iteration to a title that is 5 months old.[quote=“willisxdc, post:70, topic:350623, full:true”]

I will bet that this comparison shows up in every post related to aircraft quality in MSFS. I shake my head every time. I say again… Imagine what we will have when we get to MSFS 11.

Followed by an equally tongue in cheek comparison of long forgotten title (2020’s X-Plane-11) to the futuristic MSFS 11, that apparently won’t happen for thousands of years.

And so this is “trolling” because…?

Why am I explaining this…?
Oh right. Let’s not make comparisons of seasoned products against product barely out of development. I am sure that by the time MSFS has been through 11 major version updates the physics will have been adjusted to our liking and we will all have far too many 3rd party aircraft downloaded.