So Pico 4 users. Im back, will return my Q3 tomorrow. Pico 4 outperforms it with the latest VD-OXR runtime .
If you have 4090, you must try these settings: First go to OpenXR toolkits discord server: OpenXR Toolkit (NO OPENCOMPOSITE SUPPORT) And #oculus-technical and see pinned post and download VirtualDesktop-OpenXR-0.6.0.msi . Then go: Home · mbucchia/VirtualDesktop-OpenXR Wiki · GitHub You will see, what is going on. It is VD-OXR runtime made by legendary @mbucchia. And it works great! You dont need steamVR anymore. This is a game changer for sure! Remember to de-activate virtual desktop as a addon in SteamVR. And be sure, that Virtual desktop is active runtime with xr-picker software. So launch MSFS, launch VD.
Virtual Desktop settings
- 72fps
- HEVC 10bit
- Bitrate 120
- Sharpening 70%
- Buffering ON
- SSW disabled
OpenXR toolkit settings
- Forfeated rendering: quality - balanced
- Turbo Mode: ON
- Override resolution 3900 x 3900
MSFS Settings
- DLSS with quality
EXTRA : swap msfs dlss 2.4.1 to newest 3.5.0. 1) go to Microsoft flight simulator folder and locate nvngx_dlss.dll 2) copy paste it so it will make backup to same folder 3) download this NVIDIA DLSS DLL 3.5.0 Download | TechPowerUp 4) copy and replace nvngx_dlss.dll 5) now msfs dlss 2.4.1 is updated to 3.5.0 It could be placebo, but i think it is 20% improvement with cockpit sharpness. If you have lower specs GPU, just lower resolution override from OXR toolkit or disable it. When you hit 72fps with 72hz mode, you will get it. Trust me. Exact same constant fps with matched hz is every flightsimmers wet dream.