I just started flying the PC-24 in Career mode for medium cargo missions and am noticing a couple of things and have a few questions that I’m hoping the “gang” can help me work (if possible). I tried reading through the entire forum, but I can’t tell what’s pre-updates or post, so apologies if something has already been addressed:
Is the aircraft capable of flying above FL140 without the risk of failing the mission to do hypoxia?
I’ve been getting landing warnings above FL100…is this specific to this aircraft or a current bug with the game?
Ice & Protection System does not go on automatically, as indicated by the knob and I need to turn it on manually? (Moreso seeking confirmation on this one).
I can’t seem to get the throttle to respond to the FMS/MAN knob at times. I will admit that this is probably user error, but the plane seems to constantly want to fly at it’s own speeds even when I am using the manual knob to try and set my desired speed. I’ve tried changing it in the flight plan, and even per waypoint using the “cross” function, but still doesn’t seem to want to respond appropriately. - Update #1 - it seemed to work on this flight but still appears inconsistent.
The sunshade doesn’t really provide shade. (again, looking for confirmation more than anything else).
The throttles seem to have a mind of their own for certain portions of the flight, and then randomly decide to work correctly. Anyone else experiencing this?
On cargo flights, there’s no cargo loaded on the plane. Just me?
That’s all I’ve got for now, I think. Will edit if needed.
unknown. try it. you’ll probably get the 1 minute “incoming hypoxia” warning and have time to descend, as in the PC-12 above FL200. probably.
not sure what you mean by landing warnings.
I believe it needs to be set manually.
FMS/MAN seems to work for me.
no shade from the sunshade.
the autothrottle is prone to surging and chasing from TOGA all the way down to flight idle, but that’s probably not what you’re referring to.
Asobo are using the wrong plane model. there’s a Cargo PC-24 (usable in Free Flight) which has a few boxen in the rear of the cabin. however, Medium Cargo Missions mistakenly use the Passenger model instead. of course.
Yes. There is a big button next to the co-pilot’s left knee you need to push in to enable oxygen.
Would need to know what warnings you are getting.
Anti-icing is supposed to activate automatically but there is a known bug because Carenado did not implement this system in either the PC-12 or PC-24.
Did you enable the auto-throttle (AT) button below the knob? Does the PFD indicate that auto-throttle is armed or active?
I notice a small difference on some planes but not others. It also does not tint the light coming through the shade as it shines inside the cockpit.
It is a known issue that the auto-throttle will not settle at a reasonable speed but instead will increase to the limit then decrease dramatically, over and over. Many of us disable AT and control the speed manually for now.
Unsure. The last time I tried looking in the back the plane flipped over and dived towards the ground, overspeeded, and caused the mission to fail. I haven’t looked since.
Thanks for getting back to me, guys! Here are some answers:
Yes, I engage the O2 every time, but there used to be a glitch where the plane would become hypoxic regardless, and I was wondering if that’s been fixed.
The warning I get is a landing lights warning above 10k feet, and sometimes after I cross the runway threshold to taxi.
Thank you - I’m turning on IPS manually.
Yes, and it’s actually been behaving over the last few flights.
Thanks - shades aren’t effective, maybe will be fixed later.
Can’t say that has ever happened to me. I always enable the O2 in the PC-24 and it has always worked, and I’ve flown the PC-24 up to FL450. * The PC-12’s O2 system is broken so you’d need to stay at or below about 15,000 in that one. That is slated to be fixed in SU2.
Generally before you descend below 10,000 feet, at least for airliners, you should turn on your landing lights even during the day. I don’t know about GA aircraft rules, but I think most people here just turn them all on an leave them on for the entire flight. I’m not perfect, but I will say I haven’t had that deficiency pop up while using the SU1 Beta, and I suspect I haven’t always had them on.
the actual maximum altitude in the PC-12 is 20,000 feet (tested, multiple flights). 1 foot higher and you will get an hypoxia event after an arbitrary period.
toggling landing lights is part of the FL100 flow for airliners, as Fox mentions above – however, i’ve never received a warning about it in-game. I HAVE been dinged for entering or landing on a runway with them off when it’s night local (i.e. computer) time, but day game time.
Thank you both! I’ll try to fly the PC-24 higher than 14k and see what happens.
As for the landing warning lights, in some aircraft (for example the Grand Caravan) I do not get a warning if it is off above FL100. In the PC-24, however, if I don’t turn on my lights as soon as I start my descent (which has usually been around FL135, I get the warning. Maybe it’s been fixed now, not sure.
As for the landing lights issue, I havent flown the PC24, but on the PC12, I have noticed a couple of things,
on the PC12 the Landing Lights warning comes off if you retract your landing gear (I had to do this on a go-around, and then got the message), I guess landing lights are on the struts? Or they are taxi lights and are included in the landing lights for MSFS24 purposes?
on the overhead of the PC12 (IIRC PC24 is similar) there are two switches for landing lights, only one goes on when you use your landing light switch on your peripheral. You may need to turn on both of the overhead switches to get no warning
Alright friends…new situation: Is anyone else having issues getting this plane off the ground? Supposedly, this plane is well known for its STOL capabilities, but I just can’t seem to get it up in the air unless I have an excessively long runway. Even on a runway of 3k meters, the moment the plane hits V1 (around 120 knots) and I pull back on the yolk, the plane stalls. Flaps are set at 15, Trim is at a 2.5 degree positive rate, and I’m at full thrust. There is no icing on the wings (I have the IPS manually set to on). It seems like no matter what I do the plan insists on flying straight at 15 feet off the ground…right into the trees. The fuel tank is full, so perhaps that’s the problem? Regardless, if I need to use a bind to refuel mid-air, I will, but doesn’t that make the plane’s usage somewhat unrealistic?
Is there a minimum runway length I should be using for Take-off and Landing? A different speed or configuration?
I was getting a red ‘no take-off’ warning while trying at 15 degrees flaps, and I experiencing the same take-off performance as you note… crashed into tress once and had a few hairy moments around it getting into the air safely before I realised that 8deg seems to work and not give the warning.
The flaps on CAS will show red under 8 and green at 15 which suggests 15 would be the correct config for take-off so not sure if they have got this wrong, the plane isn’t performing as it should or if I’m just showing my desktop-simulator experience and there is a logical reason for it all… I’m sure others with the knowledge will advise accordingly Hope this helps anyway!
During my climb, the FMS insists on a speed of 140, and I can’t figure out how to change that. Why would I want to climb at such a slow speed? Is that how it should be, or can I change that somehow?
My co-pilot announces 10k feet when the aircraft is actually at 11k feet, is that just me?
That one is set to 130 and the VT is set to 140. Even if I change the VT to say 225, FMS forces 140. Should I be changing the VY as well? Ultimately, it’s probably something I’m doing, but it just doesn’t seem logical to have such a slow climb speed.
It could also possibly come from the default behavior of the aircraft in relation to your current flap config. I remember seeing that somewhere, but I don’t recall if that was for the PC-24 or not.
So basically, it sounds like your Vy (V2) speed + 10 kts until you put your flaps up, then it goes to 170 kts until you are above 2,500 ft and 4nm from the runway, then it goes up to 200 kts, if I’m interpreting correctly.
Career PC-24 is twice as heavy as it should be. Real one has MTOW of 18740lbs, in career it gets to like 34000lbs… fun fact, free flight one is actually topped at just shy of 18000lbs afair. This might be one of the reasons it’s take off performance is underwhelming. Also according to the fact sheet, it has 3090ft take off distance and 5440ft balanced. While you can take off from 3000ft it feels sluggish in initial climb and starts working fine at around 140kt. I have no idea how it works, but it seems jet STOL is quite different from piston/turboprop STOL
Not sure if there was some kind of update or if my weight affected things, but I started a mission at an airfield with an 1800 ft runway and managed to get it off the ground without issue. Granted I had just enough fuel in the plane to take off (don’t judge me, but I feel like I’ve wasted enough money dealing with bugs to get away with the “binded” refuel once or twice), so that may have been the difference maker.
Anyway, auto-throttle seems to be “up to it’s tricks” today and has a mind of it’s own so I may restart the sim after this mission and see if that clears it up.
I don’t know real life procedures for flying PC-24, but what I do in game is when reaching cruise altitude I just set the throttle to 98% n1 which gives me about 0.69 mach speed. Works well, keeps fuel flow at around 640lbs (at fl440) and speeds up flights autothrottle is fine on climb/approach but I turn it off for landing.
Alright, friends…have you had mixed experiences with the APPR, or is it just me?
Sometimes, on smaller airports, even though the route appears correct (and I’m not doing anything different than other landings) I find that the path will cause me to make a tight turn, seemingly “right over” the runway with absolutely no chance of capturing the glidepath. Even when I manually adjust the heading to fly out and try to intercept it manually, I just can’t seem to get it to engage. Am I the only one experiencing this?
After several trips with the PC-24 I’ve decided to use the AT in manual mode. You don’t have to touch the throttle but you must keep both eyes on the speed band and select proper speeds for each phase. In climb I usually go for 180 kt, enough to get to FL400, that is the altitude that I feel comfortable.
In descent I use VNAV and let the aircraft descent at his own pace with AT. I move to 160 KIAS about 20 miles from the runway, always using AT in manual mode. I switch to 140 in about final and then switch off the AP. Unfortunately, medium cargo missions normally end in a poor airport and I still have not tested ILS in career. I’ll try it in medevac missions that always use ILS airports as far as I have seen.
From my opinion is the AT in FMS mode what is spoiled. And some other things, of course. But using AT in manual mode is not so bad. I hope they fix everything soon because is a fantastic aircraft.