Pilot's lounge - What did you do in MSFS today?


This is not the trivial “MSFS 2020 flight sim” exercise it might seem to be at first.

During the Second World War, and later on during the Korean War, this was a matter of life and death.


Trying to tell a 3-star general, (who knows nothing of flying except where to put his martini next to his seat on the plane), that a DC-3 flight:

  • at “:exploding_head:” hundreds of pounds/kgs overweight. . .
  • using crummy gasoline instead of avgas because avgas wasn’t available. . .
  • flying through “:man_facepalming:” weather, over mountains that you’re lucky to not crash into in the best of conditions. . .

. . . . that it’s just not possible has cost many an aviator his life, the loss of an irreplaceable aircraft, and millions of dollars worth of valuable supplies on many occasions.

My heart goes out to all the poor souls who gave their lives doing what anyone with half a brain knew was impossible before they started.