I play every day. Today completed three VIP Career flights in the Swiss alps. Scenery was stunning. No reason to do it but to fill some time with enjoyable visuals.
Is there a discord that I could follow?
Thank you
For Flight FX? Sure. FlightFX
would that be for 2024 ver.?
No, initial versions will be for 2020, but there is a plan to deploy 2024 version.
What sort of issues were you having? Apart from internal/external lights that plagues all FS24 aircraft, I did not have any issues in 24 in the Longitude
I was experiencing some of the weirdness with the AT behavior that others noted on the WT Discord Channel.
Just to be clear - guess this isn’t the topic for it but if you’re talking about what I think you are, the last post there was July last year.
The Avanti II? Not going to be 2024 compatible at launch? Is that what you are talking about?
Yes, exactly. The P.180 coming soon.
We certainly hope you are OK…but YOU’RE FIRED.
This aircraft has a handful of prop blades.
Other planes have three or four.
Why don’t all planes have the same number of blades if it makes a difference?
Let me add my vote for both PMDG and the DC-6.
Not only is it a superb model, they have a whole series of YouTube videos on how to fly the beastie.
If I had the money I would be sorely tempted to buy one of everything PMDG sells, (even though I might never fly them), just to support their excellent work. Especially since the reviews of their products are usually somewhere between “outstanding!” and “Where have you been all my life?!!”[1]
Definition of “an utter disgrace”:
Microsoft included a bunch of aircraft designers I’ve never heard of within 2024, but didn’t include PMDG. There is soooo much PMDG stuff I’d like to see in 2024. (sigh. . .)
==================== Footnotes ====================
- There was a very famous “Ace” in the Pacific Theater of WWII who flew the Grumman Hellcat against the Japanese. The aircraft itself was very popular with pilots and this particular pilot is shown in an interview about flying the Hellcat saying “If it could cook, I’d marry it!” That seems to be the consensus of opinion concerning PMDG’s aircraft.
Thats easy, the more power the motor makes, the more blades it can handle.
Thanks. I’ll have to check it out sometime.
So it’s totally non-functional in 2024 at present?
Not totally. . .
Theoretically you can use the 2020 version in 2024, but the models don’t work well - instruments do strange things and other issues.
The best thing to do is wait for the 2024 version, which they are working on. This is an incredibly detailed aircraft and this won’t happen in five minutes. My understanding is that they’ve been working on it awhile, it’s a non-trivial project, and MSFS-2024’s aircraft SDK/API’s is/are still a moving target, especially for more advanced feature integration with the game.
You can wander over to the PMDG forums and see what’s going on.
That makes sense, but in the case of the DC-6 it has a Super Wasp rotary engine which, (supposedly) had more power than the gigantic locomotives of the day.
That being the case, (the Super Wasp having God-like powers), why doesn’t the DC-6 have a 20 bladed propeller instead of one with three blades? Likewise the DC-7 has only four blades with a super-duper engine too.
Not to mention the original question:
Why would an aircraft even want to have a six or seven bladed propeller instead of the normal three or four blades we see on planes of just about any size. Wouldn’t more blades equal higher maintenance? Especially with the now-normal variable-pitch blades?
Thanks. I just read their compatibility warning it for it. I’ll hold off until it works with 2024. I still have 2020 installed, but use 2024 almost exclusively.
It does look incredibly detailed. “Study level” for sure.
They have an extra treat for folks:
There is an entire series of videos on YouTube that describe the operation of the airplane in incredible detail. (Maybe as many as 17? I don’t remember.)
IMHO, after watching these videos and spending time in the aircraft, I would think you could pass a check-ride to qualify for it IRL, they’re that good.
Again, IMHO, calling this aircraft “study level” is a masterpiece of understatement big enough to fly the gigantic Anatolev super-sized cargo aircraft through.
In FS24 that was the intention with the send to avionics button in the efb. However as with many other things in FS24, there are multiple aircraft where the feature just does not work