"Pink dots" not appearing anymore on ILS?


Not an expert here, but until few weeks ago I always managed to get nice ILS approaches until now. I do not know what happened, but it’s the second time this week that while on ILS approach, after I click “LS”, I am not getting the pink dots/diamonds anymore! I always saw them, and always managed to click “LOC” and “APPR” with no problems, seeing LOC and GS on the little screen in front of me (sorry for my terminology!). Now no dots, therefore no LOC, no APPR, no ILS! Made a screenshot if it helps. I am sure there are things I am doing wrong, I am not an expert simmer, but I have not changed anything on my ILS procedure since August 2020, and I never had a problem! Can you help me? Many thanks!

I just loaded up MSFS to check that approach into LIME and the ILS seems to be working ok for me:

When I selected as an approach the RNAV approach to the same runway I get the same showing in the flight deck as your picture…

Is it possible that when you are planning your flight you are chosing the rnav approaches instead of the ILS approaches?

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Is that the Asobo Airbus? Or the FBW Airbus?

Anyway… what I think might be happening is that your ILS frequency isn’t set? Or the wrong one is set. You can check that on the FMC by clicking on RAD NAV.

If LS / FREQ is empty, no pink diamonds.

I noticed the FBW Airbus used to set it automatically, but since a few weeks no more. Not sure what changed. If that’s the problem.

With the FBW Airbus it doesn’t seem to matter (anymore). Even if I pick the ILS approach, the frequency is still empty. One of those changes that just ‘happened’.

But I’m using the development version, so no complaints… if it’s a bug they will fix it no doubt. Maybe because the sim was updated.

But not sure if the Asobo Airbus does the same thing.

From the initial picture from the OP I am pretty sure it is the default asobo A320…which is what I did the test on. I wanted to make sure it wasn’t the FBW mod before I checked it out.

@Rigorista86 will be able to correct me if I have got that wrong.

Then you might be right and it could be a wrong selection in the flight plan.

Guys you’re both very kind thanks.
I have never downloaded or used other airplanes than the ones already installed in the game.
I’ve definitively selected an ILS approach on flight plan, but before the ILS I left the field “automatic”, could this be the issue? Basically then I had the blue “line/route” on the map and the pink one at the end, no “yellow” line before.

I think it should work based on the runway you select. But then again, in my FBW Airbus this also doesn’t work (anymore). I think @tamalien might know this one? His/her VFR map looks rather different.

Maybe that’s also my problem in the FBW Airbus :slight_smile:

I suppose you can always test by checking that RAD NAV page before you take off. See if it has a frequency filled in. If not, you can add it yourself (if you know it for that particular runway).

I recommend on the world map planning screen from the drop down list that you select the ILS approach for your chosen runway- especially if you are not comfortable with entering ILS frequencies into the flight computer.

Doing it this way will ensure that you are all set up for an ILS apprach with the “pink dots” :upside_down_face:

Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:

I just had a look cause I got confused.

There’s two dropdowns. The first one I would put on Arrivals (Direct) and then select the ILS runway in the second one (not leave that one on automatic).

That always worked for me (until recently).

Whenever I start to play with that first dropdown, most of my flightplans turn into weirdness.

And I think if you leave the second one on automatic… well… not sure… isn’t it ATC then who decides? But maybe I have been doing it wrong from the start…

I think this is the way to go :smiley:

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Thanks to both of you. Let’s take it step by step so, I’ll take a screenshot of my next flight plan from the world map screen, then a screenshot of the rad/nav and another one on approach, so to have more details to show you just in case i get the same issue with the dots! I will let you know

First dropdown direct and second ils. Yes, this is what i do.

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That sounds like a good plan!

I wish you success!

Make sure on the flight planning screen for world map you also select either low altitude airways or high altitude airways- That should give you the opprtunity to select an ILS approach to your runway of choice.

Enjoy your flight and I will check back to this thread if you have run into any problems.

@ememPilot Ils autotuning should still work on the FBW aircraft. However certain payware add on airports don’t have autotuning enabled at the minute. The reasons are a bit complicated. If it is a purchased airport that you are experiencing this with then you are not alone. For some of them it has to be, for now, a manual entering of the ils frequency at times.

OK… There is a lot of weirdness going on.

A) That first dropdown is the STAR. That is what gets you situated for approach if you choose to fly it. It is a series of waypoints that get you coming in from the correct direction etc.

B) The second dropdown is the approach itself. If you select Automatic, the ATC will assign you one. That means your aircraft may not know which one it’s flying so you have to modify it.

C) I HIGHLY recommend becoming familiar with how to navigate MCDU. First thing you want to check before you even fly out is the NAV/RAD page to see if your ILS frequency is entered. Sometimes it’s there if you chose an ILS approach from the planner, sometimes it isn’t. You want to make sure it’s there. The easiest way to do it is to select the proper ILS approach in your Flight Plan screen (in the aircraft’s MCDU, that is)… That should have the correct frequency associated with it and will populate the NAV/RAD accordingly. IF IT DOES not, you need to look up what the frequency for that runway is and enter it manually. So… even if you select the ILS approach from the planner, IT WON’T ALWAYS SHOW UP DIALED. You need to verify it. If it isn’t, re-select that same approach and should populate the frequency. Otherwise manually tune it. Hope this helps. :wink:


Thanks! Much appreciated. If it helps, also the ATC called me the ils approach clearance couple of minutes before the landing…
I will keep you posted

No, I don’t have any payware. But I’ve been flying in China a lot, and the ILS there is a mess. So I suspect it has something to do with the underlying MSFS data. I also see a lot of airports in the flightplanner that don’t show any runways in the dropdown. Or they don’t show ILS runways but the ILS still works. It’s really messy. So I’m not too surprised that parts of a sim, like the FMC, that depend on it, might go into error.

I do hope they start focusing on that part of the sim soon. I mean, contrails are nice and all, but I’d rather see a bug free flightplanner with the correct data under it.

I will test with some European or U.S. airports soon.


A) I usually select direct and always worked fine for me before the last two flights :slight_smile:
B) I select ILS with the runway number.
Apologies when I said “automatic” I actually wanted to say “direct” and was referring to the first dropdown.
C) I’ll definitely check next time before take off.

Let you know


@tamalien @ememPilot @BostonJeremy77 As promised, I let you know. No luck, same issue! But this time I got more screenshots and hopefully you will be able to help me!

Flight Plan:

I have checked the MCDU as you mentioned, and looks like the frequencies are there, right?

Here is when ATC is calling the ILS:

And here it is, 3,500 feet as indicated by ATC and CSTR, slowing down, and here is where I ALWAYS GOT the pink diamonds, then selected LOC and APPR… But now it is not working anymore!

I hope the screenshots will help you,



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