Planes don't react to full throttle range of WinWing Orion 2 throttle but sim settings do


I got a newly WinWing Orion 2 throttle for MSFS and it is detected properly by the settings in the sim.

Now I have the problem, that in the aircraft the full axis is not utilized. I need to push the throttle around 40% to see it moving in the plane. I already checked the axis settings in the controls and the axis is shown there correctly (so I can see it moving in its full range in the settings). I already tried the suggestions from this thread but without any success.

Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it?

yes I’m using it, but without changes

Have you disabled/removed all your mods and addons?

yes, without any success

Brief description of the issue:

In the settings 0-100% of the Axis are detected correctly, but in the plane 40%-100% of the physical throttle are 0%-100% in the plane, so they are not proportional

Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:


Detailed steps to reproduce the issue encountered:

Assign throttle axis to set throttle axis 0-100%. Select any plane for flight and move the physical throttle until throttle of the plane moves

PC specs and/or peripheral set up if relevant:


Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:

Newest, since I got the throttle some days ago

Kind regards

I just want to rule out that you aren’t like overloading your planes with fuel and paypload? Like if you set 10% fuel and no payload (ghost pilot) does it do the same?

How did you set up the throttle and what axis did you use.
I suspect it may have something to do with the finger lift function maybe.

Did you search the forum for others with this brand?

My question is do you have issues with your throttle if the plane is fully laden (full gas tank, full passengers and cargo) or if it’s totally empty (enough fuel to leave the ground and come back only, no pax/cargo). No where did i say i had this hardware. I want to clear it up now that i don’t have this joystick or throttle that you do and i’m trying to rule out that your plane isn’t just heavy.

That said, you typically do need to add a bit of throttle before the plane will move. This isn’t War Thunder you can’t just move the throttle an inch and expect to be airborne, Especially on bigger planes. Just for comparison, on a dual engine 737 taxi, i push about 40% N1 t to get me moving down the taxiway

  • What plane are you using
  • Have you adjusted your sensitivity curves at all?
  • Have you updated the drivers and firmware for your joystick/throttle
  • are you sure you bound the correct throttle bind? I looked up what you had and you’ve got split throttles, meaning you need to bind Engine 1 and Engine 2 to each side or you’re not going very far very fast.

I’m gonna go ahead and say it, the joystick you purchased looks like a Thrustmaster Warthog clone, if not a straight $500 knockoff. I’m not making any accusations or saying you bought the wrong product since thats not what this thread is about. I’m saying there is a slim chance the drivers and firmware for that stick may not be totally compatible with the game, lest there be a workaround or something.

If all else fails and there’s no other help to be found here, i’ve even done the next hard part for you Let Me Google That

I have the same throttle and believe it is working as intended given the throttle is setup from Winwing for military jets….that throttle is set up for reverse thrust in the first part of its range and therefore you have to set it to 40%-50% or so to get to the neutral no thrust before it then applies forward thrust. You could change this in either the Winwing software for the throttle or MSFS controls section if you want.

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As temestornado23 noted this is really just a matter of setting up the throttle for MSFS. Should be pretty simple in the Winwing software.

I could see how this could be an easy mistake to make depending on how familiar you are with military aircraft. The Orion 2 depending on which version they purchased will either be based of the F/A 18 Hornet throttle or the F-16 Throttle. The matching sticks are based off the same aircraft. The Thrustmaster is based off the A-10 Warthog, the throttle is different but both the A-10 and F-16 use the same stick grip and button layout on the stick. The outside is the only place they are similar at all internally the Winwing has no resemblance to the Thrustmaster.

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