Playtime gone missing [Packages out of date]

This whole thread is not related to this latest update. It is about losing your playtime, for whatever reason, as far back as when the sim/game update beta testing program first came out in April of this year (which is when this thread starts). In fact, I seem o remember that there were two threads (or maybe even three or more) that were merged in to this one. Ours was about the loss over the weekend of the 9th April when they pushed the new version to the alpha testers, but all of us that were online and in the game got it, which caused our loss.

There have been several reasons why it happens to people, but I was replying to one person talking about one thing. His post was in June, so yes, two months ago, saying how he could not understand how only part of the data could be lost, which is why I explained it to him as best I could as to how it first happened.

And, it turns out, Steam seems to keep a copy of the logbook info, so anyone on Steam experiencing the loss when we did was usually able to retreive their old logbook data because Steam cached it for them. The point is that if it is there, or if it is not, no one at Microsoft or Asobo has even bothered to explain what happened, and how we non-Steam players might be able to get our old logbook info merged into our current log book. And, at the end of the day, my logbook was only ever going to be looked at once a year or even less. I have all my important flights saved as plans or flights .

And here is a pretty picture I took in the last few seconds my logbook was alive before it was lost to oblivion … I clicked that button, and it got wiped.

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