Please add an option to turn off the new blue/yellow highlights when using Lock interaction mode

Yes I agree it’s possible (and probably quite easy, like you said) to add an option to turn off the highlights in Lock mode.

48 votes isn’t enough to notice. Not that the amount of votes really means much, because Asobo does what they want anyway.

The Fenix A320 team have somehow managed to remove the highlighting while in Lock Mode… which is a really welcome enhancement.

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on the PC you can disable the blue highlighting on the instruments in the accessible settings.
Why is this not possible on Xbox?
I use an extra mouse and this constant blue marking as soon as I want to set something on the instrument, just annoying.

Could you add an option for Xbox players as well so you can disable it?

I would like to be able to turn off the blue highlighting completely. On the PC, this is the legacy mode.
I have deactivated the hints for what which switch is for.
In general, I have the simulator set to Realistic on the difficulty level, because I prefer realism.
And realism still suffers enormously on Xbox at the moment:

1.) As already mentioned, the blue outlines around switches cannot be deactivated.

2.) There is currently no way to use Little Nav Map on Xbox.
There is an app for Android “VFRnav” where you can display your position from the simulator.
You can also see the compulsory reporting points and control zone of an airport via VFRnav.
At the moment you can’t fly realistically on the Xbox, because you can’t use a real VFR map (VFRnav would be just perfect, but it doesn’t work). It simply must be added the possibility that the Xbox users can use Apps like VFRnav or also Little Nav Map.
I hope you can forward my wishes to the developers.

Here is a photo of what it might look like to display your current position from the simulator at VFRnav.

It would be so cool if there would be an interface. :frowning:

Thanks in advance!

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I’d really like to see this as an option, as well.

Frankly, having used Legacy mode on the PC, I really don’t understand why they felt the need to put these blue highlights on the Xbox version. It’s completely unnecessary, because if you can point a mouse pointer to a control on PC without needing a blue highlight then you certainly can point to a control on an Xbox with a mouse pointer or even the Xbox controller circular pointer/dot thing without needing a blue highlight.

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Honestly, I’ve been flight simming for so long…read decades…that I’m not really fired up about the “new” system. I prefer the legacy way in all flight sims. And truth be told, I have most things mapped to hardware anyhow.

I prefer the new mode to legacy mode, but I also understand that what I prefer doesn’t matter.


Why is this still not an option?

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I wish we on Xbox could get the Left/Right circular arrows that PC has. :pleading_face:

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i also love the new lock mode, dragging knobs is way better than using the slow arrows… but the blue highlight makes it not viable for me at all.


I managed to get rid of the blue highlight while in lock mode, but I’ve a bug I need to tackle (if I can) before releasing it as a mod: The tooltip window moves to the top left corner of the screen when selecting an instrument.

While this doesn’t really matter in VR, it’s a bit more annoying in 2D. (even though it kind of clears the panel view in a way). :grimacing:

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Soooo I still haven’t find the culprit and why the tooltip jumps at the top left corner so I’ve decided to release the mod anyway and I’ll keep looking into this but it looks like the tooltip is bond to the highlight node I’m bypassing so I might never be able to fix it.
Anyway, this is something (like a thousand other QOL things) Asobo should have done a year and a half ago. :yawning_face:

You can find it here: Blue Highlight Removal » Microsoft Flight Simulator



Thanks a lot! Finally I can switch to Lock mode.

Wow, good job. I never cared for the tooltips anyway.

Yes, if you disable the tooltips anyway, you’re good to properly use the Lock mode without the highlight. :slight_smile:

Do I ever wish this was available on Xbox.

Thanks for your effort!

is there a way to turn off the blue cursor without turning off lock mode?

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What do you mean by “blue cursor”?
I made a mod to remove the blue highlight while using lock mode if you want:

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Yes exactly what i was looking for , thank you :pray:

amazing there’s a mod for this (thanks @Flobud ), but I still feel this should be part of the stock sim :slight_smile: Vote added.

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The newer lock mode is such a powerful thing, such a great and more intuitive way of interacting with the cockpit, yet for the majority of us mouse users that bluellow highlight is ruining the experience quite a lot.

Okay, lemme…pls allow…ahem:

[sounds of thunder] [epic music starts] [heavy drums] [constant low pitched F from helicon]
:zap: :cloud_with_lightning: I am summoning the powers of the Great Ancient Trinity :cloud_with_lightning: :zap:
:small_red_triangle: #JorgNeuman :small_red_triangle: #SebastianWloch :small_red_triangle: #MartialBossard :small_red_triangle:
…so that this topic becomes one of the agenda points for their next scheduled meeting with the team, and subsequently result in our sim receiving this quality of life feature…!
[thunder fades away] [birds singing] [gentle orchestra melody in the style of Ennio Morricone]

There :point_up: …that should do it, it will be fixed soon now! :crossed_fingers::grin::sunglasses: