Actually when I use Multiplayer “All Players” I can only see that players from the SIM, which I’m using right now.
When I fly in 2024 I can only see players from 2024 and nobody from 2020. And vice versa.
Thats bad, because I want to do groupflights with my friends, no matter which sim they are using!
In each sim mountains are at the same position, airports as well. All planes in both sims have coordinates, altitudes, speed.
So theres no reason to differentiate. Put the planes of both sims together!!
Other connection tools can do this as well, like VATSIM, IVAO, JoinFS, etc.
Why not the natives MSFS multiplayer?
And: NO! I don’t like to fly on VATSIM etc, because its to stressful for me and my friends.
The two sims, 2020 and 2024, will never show multiplayer users together. They are two completely different ecosystems. I do not believe there is any plan to bring them together.
Am software dev, there is literally no reason they can’t. Player data is just things like geo location and plane type (which just like 2020 can default if it’s not in the game).
They may have no plans to bring them together, but the other half of your statement is completely made up. The games are on the same code base. 2024 is a branched dev of 2020. I doubt it would even be that difficult to do.
I’ll grant you the first person stuff would obviously not work in 2020 (they would not see your avatar), but then you just don’t send that data and only sync the planes. If a plane doesn’t exist in 2020 it would just use a default plane like it currently does.
As for OP, I also think they should do this. This game is expensive and people should not be forced to play without their friends. OP you can vote for your own post, and you should.
EDIT: Please be aware, anytime a developer says the word “impossible” it really means they don’t want to do it. Been a dev for a long LONG time and that is common among every company I have ever been in. I have encountered things that are actually impossible maybe once or twice in my entire career as a software dev. Hard, yes, impossible, extremely rare. This makes me very popular among product teams at the companies I work for because I tell them the truth. Not so popular among the other developers.
I think the biggest issue is cheating/griefing/spamming by players on a legacy platform that will soon cease to be updated.
You might think Asobo promised otherwise but I think 2020 will soon become obsolete as addon developers port their wares to the new sim. It’s like what happened with XP11 when XP12 was released, and XP10 when XP11 was released.
They could do that, but maybe the true reason is that they want to force everybody to change from #2020 to #2024.
And you’d be right. Because if they love money then why not?
Asobo / MS should make a JoinFS-add-on-thing for all their sim products and made it opensource for every one to include. And a system to toggle does system on or off.
More people using 2020 than 2024 which is a huge mess still, lots of people not moving across until it is sorted out. Personally i think Dev’s that have shifted across to new sim have made a mistake, people are struggling with new sim are not going to be purchasing addons just yet, I’ve seen more devs recently start to offer a product as 2020 and 2024 rather than just 2024
there was no detailed explanation, they just said no.
the reason is simple. If they would bring that, half of people would not buy 2024. Lots of simmers do multiplayer, group flights and wants to see each other. Me myself flying in several groups and all of them went to 2024. So people who wants to see others, have no choice and must buy 2024.
This is a reason I could believe. If this is the reason, they would never tell us. Instead they would say “it’s impossible” as I mentioned in my previous post in this thread. It’s not impossible, they don’t want to, for whatever reason, probably financial as almost all business decisions come down to money.