Please fix A320 visual icing distribution

Heya, shout out to the Asobo/MSFS team for creating such a beautiful sim!
I was always wondering about the icing on the A320 and thought it seemed a bit unrealistic - just seen a youtube video by a real Airbus pilot who confirmed this. Please see from 11mins onwards.

Would probably be a set of texture tweaks needed in order to fix this.

This occurs in either the default A320 or A32NX in icing conditions.

Why did you create duplicate topic/post ?

I hadn’t realised that my original post wasn’t in the bugs and issues forum - so I thought that the original post may be ignored or not looked at by the MSFS team. Hence why I posted it again here.

There is already a bug report for this topic, please avoid duplicates.

It has many votes and Asobo/MS are already aware of it for months. No need for another thread.

Apologies - I would delete this thread but can’t seem to find an option for it.

@moderators will split it into existing topic very likely

A post was merged into an existing topic: Excessive Icing effect