Please give us Chaseplane

a better modern and fully useful Camera system is already so long awaited!! please give the chance to //42 to let them show us their talent and what a 2024 chaseplane tool worthy of the name should be!! thank you!!

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I canā€™t believe that Chaseplane is still not in MSFS2020! Will the capability be in MSFS2024?

Please, get it done!!

We need Chaseplane!

Anything like Chase Plane would be better than what MSFS has! I flew MS FSX for almost 10 years and had no problem watching instant replays of my landings, Take Offs, or basic flights and I could go back for at least the last 90 seconds instantly.

No fancy hoops to jump through. No complicated pre-configurations, just hit the ā€œReplayā€ and then save it if you wanted to.

It was even easier to get screenshots of my flights from inside or outside of the aircraft couldnā€™t have been easier. However, I was truly disappointed with that option in MSFS. I felt like they made it so unnecessarily convoluted that I finally gave up trying to figure it out.

Iā€™ve been flying MSFS since 2021 and havenā€™t taken a single screenshot or even the most remotely basic video of any landings because of the crap Iā€™ve got to go through in setting it all up.

In fact, Iā€™ve never succeeded in my attempts to get any screenshots or video following the MSFS instructions given because it appeared to be nothing more than an unreasonably complicated and time consuming procedure.

Now I find that Parallel 42 can approximate a much easier method but MS/Asobo apparently blocks anyone from access to that functionā€¦ Why?! What could they possibly be worried about?


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I have never heard of chaseplane, but if it simplifies replays to effortless single click intuitive replays, then I agree it is needed. Currently MSFS replay functionality is so unnecessarily convoluted that it is painful.

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I couldnā€™t agree more and until recently, I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever heard of Chaseplane either. Itā€™s developed by Parallel 42, here:

Just go to that page and itā€™s located on the bottom-right of the selections. Itā€™s also FREE! However, itā€™s not available because of the reasons that ā€œ//42ā€ have listed.

You can read the details if you click on the Chaseplane selection.

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Good morning,
I miss this cinematic effect in chase mode.
The drone view remains ā€œstaticā€, thatā€™s really what ā€œChasePlaneā€ offers.
Please give them access to the CAMERA API !