Please Help: My real world weather doesn’t load

Hey All,

Can someone walk me through what I’m doing wrong or how I can fix this issue. No matter what I seem to do, clicking real world weather doesn’t load anything but clear skis for me in the simulator. Do I need to just completely uninstall the sim and reinstall it? I’m trying to get as real world an experience as possible and this bug is driving me nuts. Can anyone walk me step by step on what the issue might be and ways to remediate or if I should just uninstall the sim and reinstall it? Many thanks in advance.

Try resetting your connection - go to Settings > General > Data, and turn off Online Functionality, then save, then on, then save, then restart the sim and try again.

I don’t know if this still applies but there was an issue early-on where if you entered the flight with Live Weather turned on it would many times not function. What we discovered was that we had to set the weather to Clear before entering/starting the flight. Once in the aircraft, we would open up the Weather settings from the toolbar and change to real time and real weather. A few seconds after that the appropriate weather would appear.

It could be that the issue was resolved in later updates, but I still use this technique and the results have been decent.

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Welcome back to the forums! I’m sorry that you are having weather issues. In the future, we ask that you please use Community Support for help. I have moved your topic there.

Have you tried that ?: No clouds or weather please read! Fix
Also check this one: No Clouds in Live Weather! Anyone know why? - #10