Please improve error messages into something "human readable"

Please improve error messages into something more human readable.

Just as an example: last night we got an error 0x87E10BC6"

This error message was confusing and mis-leading a lot of users into trying to troubleshoot their games or - even worse - uninstalling and trying to reinstall everything. A lot of confusion and frustration was also coming up more and more.

Yes, things can happen. Yes, it´s just a computer game and so on… yes, yes, yes…

MS-Store seems to be a very complex and - at times - a fragile construct. Things may happen. But for sure you could do something very good for your users mental health and blood preassure, if we could get error messages that don´t lead us into wrong directions, trying to fix things, we can´t fix, when it is a problem on the server side.

For the mentioned error message you can find “solutions” up to completely reinstalling your whole rig. In this case all we could do was trying to keep cool and wait, till support had things fixed again. Yes, they where fast in fixing it. No question.

But having some more proper error-messages would have avoided lots of stress and confusion for some of us. Please MS, do something about this!