Please include Vapor FX for the Top Gun release

Example of vapor fx on youtube if you search “Mach Loop Americans (4k)”

Video example from DCS:

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Hi there,
There is a Wishlist topic that encompasses this type of thing. Not for Top Gun, but for the sim in general:

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Sounds like contrail and sprays will be added in SU5. So I’d guess that tech could be repurposed. If asobo doesn’t add them, I could see them getting done in an add on. At least I could see fighter add ons getting them. DC designs or the modders for the F-15, who I’d guess might also make mods for the upcoming DC Designs F-14 might add vapor effects if the SDK adds good control over effects used on the contrails.

What is the Top Gun release? A DLC or third-party F-14? Is it the Tomcat from HeatBlur?
Wow it would be awesome to fly the Tomcat in the Flight Simulator!!

F/A-18 and no it won’t be akin to DCS.

So, as per the previous SDK Q&A, it turns out contrails ARE in the game today… They actually work great and are visible from something like 60 km or way they said. There’s a slight issue, however…

Well, in order to be visible, the plane they are attached to has to be visible (not in their control on the FX side), and, unfortunately, planes aren’t even visible at something like 5 miles away or something, maybe less.

As someone else said, they’re working on it. They know what the issue is, but, they need to figure out how to get it to work without affecting performance. You can’t just turn on planes further away.

I would certainly like an option to turn planes on further away. All they need is to be a single point or something but I’d frankly like to have that available for up to 100nm, with a slider in the options to limit it if need be.

That’s another issue. They’re working on that, too.

Some movie publicity addon for the release of Top Gun 2, but no details yet.

It is definately not DCS’s HeatBlur F-14, it probably is not even an F-14, most likely the F-18 (that is the “main” plane in Top Gun 2) and perhaps also the experimental plane featured in the trailer.

Ah well I thought the discussed Top Gun release will be some enhancement or DLC for the Flight Sim - but it`s about the movie Top Gun 2 :smiley:

Well of course it will be the F-18 when the Top Gun 2 movie features the Navy because the F-14 is an old plane that launched 1970.
The Tomcat has ancient computer technology from the seventies which literally means the stone-age of computer technology, only simple lines or dots in one colour with 0,5 FPS was possible in these days as “graphics quality” or “rendering and calculation power”.
The Tomcat is not flying anymore for almost two decades, her last flight was in 2004 or 2005.
It just exists in DCS for the pure sake of nostalgia and to represent classic eighties flair, and is 100% replaced by the F-18.

When the Top Gun 2 movie is about the Air Force, there will be F-16 and F-35 planes.

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