Hi there,
When PMDG products will be available on MSFS 2024?
Do you have any update on thta?
Thanks in advance .
Attila B
I don’t believe PMDG has released that info yet. They’re very careful about releasing a time line incase something comes up that causes them to push back a release
boy, how i miss my pmdg 737 in 2024…
All the information you are looking for can be found here:
We hope that the items that block WASM development are soon solved because we (and others who use the C++ platform) are depending on that. PMDG remains highly optimistic about the FS24 platform, but at this moment we still release products for the FS20 platform.
Mathijs Kok
Hopefully Asobo gets this sorted ASAP post holidays.
we must wait a long time to hear anything about this problem to asobo, thought they had learned from mfs20
The new sim has drastly changed underlying code and architecture. It’s why - for many of us at least - it performs astonishingly better than FS2020 on the same CPU. Those changes have consequences, however - SDK functions perform differently; there are brand new SDK functions that might not quite work as expected; and important core elements for sophisticated aircraft like WASM are now multi-threaded. These changes affect how aircraft and scenery work, and require new debugging tools that were just not ready - MS clearly set a release date, sim “readiness” be ■■■■■■. Asobo is trying to get things to the point they wanted them to be several months ago. Once those new tools are available, and all the new SDK features are debugged and work as intended, we’ll see the floodgates open and converted/optimized aircraft will become available from many developers, including PMDG.
But in the meantime, don’t hold your breath and scan the forums daily hoping for some magic bullet news. It’s likely to be weeks or even months before everything comes together.
are you a professor, sounds like several months we can add to a year to be absolutely sure. glad we have fenix and just flight
We are hopeful. Some other issues we reported are already solved and at least one blocking issue is solved in a update that’s pending.
Mathijs Kok
is this complicated or, does it take a long time to do something about this when, have you figured it out?
We actually have no idea. The issue was present in FS20 but is just more problematic in FS24. As I wrote, we have a lot of confidence in Asobo to sort this out.
Mathijs Kok
Call Fenix and ask them how they did it.
excellent… will be exciting too see have nice weekend
They “did it” by running their aircraft in a separate app that runs outside the sim itself. As has been explained dozens if not hundreds of times.
However, see also the numerous complaints about performance and VRAM overruns in the Fenix aircraft in FS2024 in other threads.
So much for…“90% of the current add ons will work in MSFS2024”
What a load of garbage.
asobo please don’t disappoint us… especially to those who trusted you from the beginning by purchasing fs 2024 with their eyes closed and those who continue to support you, thanks
Fenix has most of its code outside the simulator, making it a lot simpler (however, I do see they still have a lot to do). This locks them out of the marketplace and makes them incompatible with the cloud and Xbox. Our products are always fully compatible with the complete platform, not just the Windows version. We go where the customers are, and a lot of FS24 customers are on consoles these days.
Mathijs Kok
Sounds like something Areosoft would say.
And now your concerned about customers Mathijs ?
it, has been, quiet from pmdg so maybe it indicates that something, new is going on so it’s like, I’ve gotten to know them…
To be perfectly honest, it is quiet from our side because there is not a lot to say. What RSR wrote on Dec 21st (https://forum.pmdg.com/forum/main-forum/general-discussion-news-and-announcements/341005-21dec24-your-weekly-update-777f-is-in-marketplace-for-msfs2020-777-got-an-emergency-micro-and-some-other-random-tidbits-for-your-weekend) is unfortunately still factual. Although our c++ code is 100% SDK standard, it just will not compile and we need help from Asobo on that.
That said, we are not sitting still, but we are progressing on all projects. The 777s are getting updates and new versions, the work on the 747s is moving a lot faster than we dared to hope, and other, not yet publicized projects are also doing well. Come and visit us at the FSWeekend or FSExpo, and you’ll probably see many nice things.