PMDG 737-800 Mouse behavior issue caused by Marketplace

Continuing the discussion from PMDG 737-800 Mouse behavior issue caused by Marketplace:

I am not having trouble with my mouse behavior, per se, just unable to change the behavior to what PMDG has offered for the aircraft.

You mentioned the feature for PMDG mouse operation (vs the MSFS mouse operation) and that the files were still present but just encrypted in the Marketplace version and locked behind one of the .fsarchive files that comes with the package.

If still present, how does one access these Marketplace .xml files to take advantage of the mouse operation feature which PMDG has provided since the steps involved in making the change over in function don’t match what PMDG has outlined in their instructions?

A post was merged into an existing topic: PMDG 737-800 Mouse behaviour issue caused by Marketplace