Pmdg 737-800

I have not long ago purchased the PMDG 737-800. Flys great and so on. Only problem I have is when I taxi and come to a stop, I have to nearly apply full throttle to get moving again. Its like the brakes are on, but they are not. Anybody got any pointers??

Moved to User Support Hub Aircraft & Systems that is more appropriate for community support.

Couple things could be happening. I would check to make sure that the tires haven’t popped, you can check that in the failures page on the FMC. Other than that I believe you need about 40% N1 to get the plane moving in most scenarios, however you say “full-throttle” so that probably doesn’t apply here.

Check hydraulic fluid - I had similar and hadn’t noticed. You can “service” it in the MCDU Ground Maintenance tab.

Usually it’s the tyres going or brakes overheat. Pop into the FMC maintenance menu and do a quick service of both and it will be able to move again just fine.
For me it usually happens after landing if I have been braking too hard if I come in too fast an approach speed.
Also use auto brakes helps. Using manual brakes to override the auto ones can make this overheating worse.

thank you all, I’ll have a look at the maintenance tab. :+1:

A post was split to a new topic: Honeycomb Bravo using with PMDG 737 Help Needed!