PMDG 737 Discussion (PC Version) (Part 1)

If it’s not an overfly point it would do this:
You cannot create overfly points manually.

If it’s an overfly point and you give it a good speed restriction in the legs page it would do this:

If it’s an overfly point and it has no speed restriction in the legs page it will create a discontinuity like this:
You can clean up this kind of discontinuity by entering a slower speed for that point or a /-XX point in the legs page.

In reality you would never do that. If that’s what your flight plan said in real life you’d be getting vectors. Draw those vectors. Maybe a 5nm base leg. Also it’s an RNAV approach, which means you cannot accept directs to an RF segment or the FAF. You’re probably going to be flying in HDG SEL during the vectors and they’ll vector you on a heading to intercept before the FAF. Once you get your final vector fly it in HDG SEL and extend the center line from the FAF. Then arm LNAV and make sure you have VNAV PTH and SPD INTV to fly that NPA.


Very good, thank you very much for this information. :slight_smile:

Can someone confirm whether or not the functions on the HGS control panel are replicated in this sim ie - does entering runway length and elevation actually do anything?

Yes, runway length and elevation affect the drawing of the runway edge lines at 300ft in AIII mode. The glideslope angle also correctly displays the glideslope reference line.

I recently got the 600 and 900 varients, just for price reasons.
I’ve done the tutorial quite a few times, with varying degrees of success plus a few others.
I’m still getting used to programming the FMC, my problem arose when I tried to fly my local airport route EGPO - EGPH, on trying to configure departure I can’t get past it saying NO SIDs, although I can configure the ILS arrival, I get discontinuity’s. There must be SID surely IRL at departure, I presume its a small airport so maybe the data just hasn’t been included? I am probably missing something simple though!
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.
Apologises if I have posted in the wrong section, I am relatively new, please be gentle.

It is perfectly possible for airports to have no SIDs. In these places ATC will tell you something like “After departure climb on Runway Track to XXXXXft and contact approach”. After switching from tower to approach you’d get a direct to your first route point.


That makes sense, thanks. How would I translate that into the FMC to then vector (?) to the first waypoint to pick up the flight path?
Actually I think I see it now, all just direct waypoints? I’ll see if I can figure it out.
Thanks again.

EGPO indeed has no SID. Also discontinuities on arrival are perfectly possible.

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Thanks. I think I need to get a few more hours in at simpler airports and come back to this.

Just set up the departure runway and then add any point along the runway track between the departure RWY and STN VOR. This is absolutely optional as you’ll be departing in HDG SEL. The magenta line is not needed.

If you’re departing RWY18 you can create a point 4nm on runway track. Type SAY177/4 on the scratchpad and paste it before STN on the legs page. Arm HDG SEL before take off and 1 or 2 minutes after lift off you can pretend ATC gives you a direct to STN VOR. Arrange a direct to STN VOR on the legs page and then engage LNAV. That’s pretty much how it’d happen in real life.


Thank you, makes perfect sense :+1:

In the UK SIDs only exist within controlled airspace.

If the airport is outside controlled airspace, such as EGPO, there may a standard outbound route published in the airfield’s AIP entry. But whether standard outbound route published or not, a clearance would probably be given in the form of something like “ BIGUET 347, after departure fly heading 240 degrees, climb to altitude 6000 feet”, then after departure on transfer to approach control or area control as appropriate further clearance en-route would be given.

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On occasion when time is limited, I’ll opt for a “micro” flight. Just came across a new one yesterday, KGSO to KCLT. All of 86 miles, at a max altitude of 12,000’. As soon as you are at cruising altitude, you are joining the STAR into Charlotte. Surprised that American would fly this route with an -800 but they do. Another one I fly is KMIA to KMCO (Delta -800). At bit longer but both are on my list of favorite airports. Finally, there is KEWR to KBOS (United -800 or on occasion -900). This is a favorite because BOS is my home airport and both EWR and BOS are amazingly well done (by DD and Fly Tampa respectively).

Any other micro flights out there that you guys recommend?


What do you define as “micro”? Time, track miles or some comb of both?

Anyway, my favorite <1 hours flights are KATL - KBNA or vice versa (real-world flown by Southwest, Delta, Spirit and others …) or KLAS - KBUR.

If you want a stupid short one with the challenge of a high altitude field, there’s always KDEN - KCOS (airport elevation 6,187’)


Also try Ontario KONT (VerticalSim) to Las Vegas KLAS (FlyTampa). Flown by Southwest -700 and -800 IRL.


MSP to DLH might be another option, while MSP to ORD is a little longer but well worth it.

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Here are a few:


Forgot to mention:
KLGA/KEWR/KJFK/KPHL - KDCA - If arrival winds are right, the river visual into KDCA runway 19 is a bit challenging.

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I like CYYZ-CYUL. About an hour flight but you get to about FL340 and you are at TOD,


CYVR → CYLW and do the RNAV (RNP) Z 34, as it’s a cool approach.

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The Southeast Alaska milk runs are pretty micro. I’ve done Petersburg - Wrangell in less than 10 mins airborne ;). They do benefit from the proprietary RNP procedures though:


Or any combination of those

For flights that don’t require or at least benefit too much from having the proprietary procedures:

Hawaiian Islands hopping is always good too: