How about every flight in Europe?? I’ve tried parallel airways and it’s the same! I can’t use any airways as they don’t exist in the PMDG 737 so flying in Europe is a nightmare.
I’m Irish, so flying around Europe is something I enjoy doing but trying to program a FP is a pain at times. I use to fly the 747/787 a lot, they are still very glitchy but they do have Simbrief so at least that’s something!!
Example: EGNX-EDDP uses multiple airways but they are never available, don’t get me started on DTC!!
I’m also going to cancel my Navigraph subscription until its actually of use to me. I have the charts for the cargo airports I use regularly and for the rest I fly GA VFR. I have the Tecnam P2006T and I’m logged into Navigraph but it’s not actually linked behind the scenes!