PMDG 737 Discussion (Xbox Series S|X version)

I have the mouse transmitter but it dosent fit in my xbox.

I tried that and it didnā€™t work and the transmitter is now stuck in the usb.

The Xbox X has a standard USB-A port on the front - itā€™s up to you to make sure your transmitter is also USB-A and that you put it in the correct orientationā€¦ Never force anything in to a portā€¦


A wireless mouse i use connected to the front of my series x

PMDG just announced ā€œUniversal Flight Tabletā€ or ā€œUFTā€ (ā€¦ not ā€œEFBā€) for 737 on the PMDG Forum:

" So next week, on/about 30OCT23, we are going to push an update that installs a new tablet in your 737! "

Not sure if that includes marketplace for Xbox or notā€¦


Great news, looks like excellent functionality. Hopefully it doesnā€™t take too long to get through the Marketplace processā€¦

The worst thing is that the update that according to PMDG was sent to the Marketplace, which is 3.00.0072, has not yet been released (the current one in mkt is 3.00.0071). Weā€™ll have to wait for this version to arrive and then the one with UFT. Only if Microsoft resolves with PMDG to send the version with UFT directly.

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Bad News, no tablet for Xbox (yet) from the same PMDG thread today:

ā€œA number of folks have asked if the tablet will work with Xbox: Our development philosophy has been to work diligently in order to ensure that the tablet will be available for Xbox users, and that as much of the functionality as possible should work. That being said, we are still only working on ā€œtheoryā€ as the only way to test airplane DLC on Xbox is to get the product through the MS Marketplace intake process, then have our designated beta testers pull the update down and report what they see. (We all have Xboxs internally now , too!) Once we have this availability, we will have a more thorough idea of what works and what does not. Again- in theory all of it should work, but it has been our experience that Xbox is a bit like running through a dark room while blindfolded: The only way to find your way through is to bounce off a few obstacles and then plan for how to get around them. We will keep you posted as to what we see once we actually have a tablet build operational on Xbox. In the mean time we will continue to sacrifice the metaphorical goat in hopes it all works.ā€ - Robert Randazzo, PMDG

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Meanwhile, the 737 is one of the absolute best flying add on aircraft on my Series X as it is today. Yeah so I have to manually key in my SimBrief flight plan into the FMC and patch a routing by reading a chart in Navigraph, but Iā€™ve gotten real good at both skills and allow extra time to play dispatch for my own flights. The whole shebang is so complicated itā€™s a miracle it works at all, but hey, Iā€™m flying the -700 more hours a week than looking for what is missing or broken, MSFS or PMDG wise. Just passed 500 hours since MSFS came to the box and having more fun than ever! Hope you folks are having some fun too!


I obviously didnā€™t have the PMDG when I was on xbox, but I did use simbrief for free without the subscription, so simbrief was planning on an old Airac while MSFS A310 was using current navdata. I regularly had problems with missing waypoints, airway mismatches, and differences in procedures or procedure names. Personally I found it frequently annoying.

I didnā€™t pay for navigraph back then because there was no way to use it with the xbox, on PC of course I get full utility from navigraph which makes it well worth having, and also of course now I never get any Airac discrepancies.

I agree the PMDG 737 is absolutely amazing, and even more so that it is on Xbox. That said, I was surprised by the lack of any path whatsoever to update the navdata. I do use Navigraph and Simbrief, and as more and more AIRAC cycles pass from v2204, more changes and more flight plan troubleshooting is neededā€¦ I can work around that to a point - but I do hope and expect a solution to this eventually.


I dont have that xbox.

What Xbox do you have, what mouse or keyboard do you have? Maybe post a photo of the wireless transmitter if you are having trouble.

Be aware that the mouse does not do anything on the main Xbox home screen, the mouse only works in certain games or apps that have mouse support (like MSFS). So you still need the controller to operate the Xbox - but once you are in MSFS (or other games) you can use the mouse and keyboard as you would expect.


I have a xbox one s and ill send a picture.

Ah so you are playing on xbox cloud gaming. Then I think at the moment you really are stuck to the controller with no way to use keyboard and mouse, nor other peripherals.


I found the solution on Xbox, quite by accident: simply pressing B when they start to spin stops them.

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How about every flight in Europe?? Iā€™ve tried parallel airways and itā€™s the same! I canā€™t use any airways as they donā€™t exist in the PMDG 737 so flying in Europe is a nightmare.

Iā€™m Irish, so flying around Europe is something I enjoy doing but trying to program a FP is a pain at times. I use to fly the 747/787 a lot, they are still very glitchy but they do have Simbrief so at least thatā€™s something!!

Example: EGNX-EDDP uses multiple airways but they are never available, donā€™t get me started on DTC!!

Iā€™m also going to cancel my Navigraph subscription until its actually of use to me. I have the charts for the cargo airports I use regularly and for the rest I fly GA VFR. I have the Tecnam P2006T and Iā€™m logged into Navigraph but itā€™s not actually linked behind the scenes!

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I only fly in UK, I use sim-brief to plan all my flights, Xbox X & PMDG 737-700.

I donā€™t think I have ever had a problem installing flight plan given by sim-brief into FMC.
I use ā€œAIRAC 2203 - 24Mar22 to 20Apr22ā€ - if that helps.

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I actually have 2203 March 22. Iā€™ll use it tomorrow and see what happens.


so what do they mean or MS Marketplace customers: We have submitted the new builds to MS Marketplace as of 0100Z/29OCT23. The builds must go through a multi-phase approval process with Marketplace before they will come live for Marketplace users. Once we see that they are live, we will shout to ensure you know! ////////////////////// will it come to xbox soon