On the A320 and the 737 flying a RNAV approach is very easy and it is very precise, because they have the IAN and you have to push the APP button to follow a sort of virtual GS.
Is this texture correct in the middle button?
In case you haven’t seen it yet, there’s an update in the PMDG operations center which was supposed to fix the simple mode for parking brakes.
I did see that thanks, and have updated. I think it’s my hardware as I have a button to press to apply the brakes, and another toggle for the parking brake, so I just need to work out the right sequence to press these in!
The L/R button? Yes that is correct, it is to show you that the button should be up for the left radar system and down for the right radar system.
Embarrassed to say still having auto-pilot engage issues. Fly a ton of airlines and never had an issue. Can fly the Airbus with five minutes on the stick and autoland with ease. 737-800 also a breeze.
I load up via simbrief, activate (and execute) the route. Add the departure and arrival information. Add performance and get correct rotate speeds and callouts. I load up winds for the flight. LNAV/VNAV light up, engage auto-pilot, and maybe it moves a little but then just goes haywire and never follows the route.
This 2nd page on PROG page looks sketchy? These error messages an issue?
I just noticed the cabin IFE screens have boot/loading screens, how cool is that!
Oh and Air Canada livery has a missing texture in the cabin
Just change it to REALISTIC, and it behaves as per 737/expected. The simple mode is still bugged I think even after latest update.
Thanks I’ll try that and see if it helps. My hardware works fine with the 737, so hopefully that will help.
I don’t think these are error messages, they are headers for values that ocasionally appear below them. My FMC on a current flight looks similar on that page.
If you want my quick start just to compare step by step I can send you a copy. Sounds like you know what you are doing 737 wise though. There are a few FMC minor differences with loading route (eg the ACTIVATE appears before the route request comes back with the route) and I’m doing a double accept (& request on the perf init page), but other than that very like the 737 FMC.
I’ve not had a single issue with engaging AP though.
The only thing that crosses my mind why you can’t engage the AP after take-off is that it isn’t trimmed correctly. Do you set the elevator trim according to the calculated value before take-off? Also double check that the elevator trim lever is in the middle position. Once I found it in the full forward position after I disengaged the AP for a final approach and had some fun time stabilizing the aircraft.
I do hope they fix the cockpit ambient sound levels at some point. When you are in a busy airport like EGLL the external sounds levels of other AI traffic is identical both inside and out side of cockpit. It’s quite deafening.
This Plane is an absolute master piece in my opinion. I have had nothing but good times with this plane.
I am fairly familiar with the 777 from other sims/past experience, but this one is just the best of them all IMHO. I have not tried the FF 777 V2, and I wont bother, I love XP but it now no longer has a place on system because I just dont fly it anymore.
I have done several long flights with this plane, all in real time and it is just a joy and mind blowing to me.
Sunday just gone I did EGLL to KSFO and it was great, the Auto Step climbs really helped when I was taking a break, the plane behaved perfectly and what I love about this plane, is just how beautiful it is to land. I love the fact you can leave the Auto Throttle in, the way it auto retards and you just flare it down and it kissed the ground.
Here we are coming in to KSFO after 11 hours 8 Mins of flight time. Just wonderful
RCTP - Taiwan to Narita - RJAA (Only a 3 hour flight) but a real world one.
This plane is just awesome.
Who’s fizzing with the 772er when it comes out???
FYI, the topic I linked below might be a more appropriate choice
What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 2) - Discussion Hub / General Discussion - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums
literally just left OMDB and forgot to set T/O trim and AP engaged just fine
Maybe it was already set close to the calculated trim. I’m trying to think what could prevent the AP to engage. Then only some controller conflict remains.
There’s an option in the FMC to require realistic AP engagement (which basically means aircraft wings level and in trim or close to it). Maybe that was it? I dunno. I’ve made 3 full flights in the 777 since release: one 2 hour-ish run from KPAE to KSFO; 5-1/2 hours from KSFO to PHNL; then another 5 hours from PHNL to KLAX. AP engaged normally and worked throughout all three flights.