PMDG DC-6 Major Problem on Xbox

For several weeks they do not push any noticeable aircraft to marketplace.
And now this happened…

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Kudos to PMDG. Hey, we got a primo top tier release on Xbox! That in itself is an accomplishment! I was waiting for either the JF/PMDG/CRJ and who had the cajones to go first. Everyone will learn and benefit from this. I don’t consider it negative in any way, then again I didn’t spend my last 60$. Anyway, I have confidence that they’ll work collaboratively to fix what is broken and it’ll only help get future releases correct.


Yeah…it is a shame that products from marketplace are not really tested before release, especially on Xbox.
I have big problems with the 737 Max Bredok3d. Game crashes to desktop nearly every time I choose this plane to fly. I asked for a refund but I did not get it.
The only solution will be that we stop buying products from marketplace. Than they will wake up.


Since we can’t avoid the marketplace on the console the only viable strategy is to avoid the sim entirely. The chance get burned again and again is just too high the way this ■■■■■■■■ is run.

pretty sure aerosoft now thinks “we feel your pain, PMDG, we feel your pain” : )

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Having the same issue when selecting the 737 on the Xbox … :-/

I am sure it will be fixed soon. This is a game changer for console.

Not so sure why this wasn’t picked up in testing. They need to reach out to the public if they want test pilots

Holding thumbs that this will be a quick fix

I do not understand why pmdg releasing dc6 on xbox without testing.

No switches working etc. did nobody check this first.

This is absolutely ridiculous.

Whats going on here.


it is not exlcusive on xbox it is also on pc.

There was a problem when they have released the DC6 on PC for the first time with multiplayer and they have fixed it

@aprodigyyy someone from the PMDG customer support told me that Microsoft „tested it on xbox and reported no issues“ and that they are now looking into it

I still don’t know why they (all developers) are releasing untested add-ons.
They are gambling with their reputation. It is almost gone.

Maybe it was the same person that tested the Seafront thing.

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Who test items for marketplace? Asobo or Microsoft?

erm, ya… sure they tested it, reported no issues and hey… it all fell apart. i’m playing this game since release on pc now and just had to sit still for two updates because of wayyyy too many ctd’s…

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We are testing it…in my opinion.


That Idk, I hope first of the developers and then surely Asobo/ms as well!

This is not good news, not on the xbox platform myself but am eagerly awaiting the 737, and I suspect this will push that back a little further now

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for the xbox platform, sure - but not for pc… pmdg can release fixes as much as they want, but you will need to buy the game via pmdg, not via the marketplace !

what i’m missing here is a message from the community manager aka @Jummivana tbh

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Totally agree.